🍁Chapter 8 ~Shoyo's identity~

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Ukai shouted as he spikes the ball at a direction, and Yamaguchi tried to shift to the side to recieve it, but he was a second late.

"Ah..." Yamaguchi sweatdropped.

"If this was a real match then it would be the enemy's point! AGAIN!"

"Y-yes sir! Sorry sir!!.."

'How intense, can mere children be able to endure this?' Shoyo thought while waiting for his turn.


Ukai spikes at a random direction that is far from Shoyo but Shoyo was able to recieve it because of his quick movements and reaction time, and because he was able to see it in slow motion.

His eyes are just different from that of a humans. If he ever enters the court, their enemies are doomed.

"That was amazing Hinata-kun.."

Yamaguchi said in awe, then he looks at his arms that is red from recieving too much.

Shoyo pats his shoulders and nodded.

"Good luck."

Then Shoyo walks away to grab the volleyball that is just sprawled on the floor.

That simple encouragement made Yamaguchi really happy. He is sure to work hard and not let Shoyo down!




Nishinoya rolls on the floor after he recieves the ball and then got back up again with a proud smirk.

Shoyo just looks at Nishinoya in astonishment.


"Its his infamous 'rolling thunder' recieve again..kekeke..." Tanaka snickers along with Tsukishima and Sugawara.

"STOP LAUGHING WILL YA?!?!" Noya growled at them.

"My kouhaii!!! They're bullying mee!!!" Nishinoya hugged Shoyo's thighs while crying.


"Even Hinata is weirded out HAHAHAHA" Tanaka continues laughing while Nishinoya glares at his bro.

Shoyo puts his hands on Nishinoya's shoulder making him confused and look up at his kouhai.

"..That was sublime! How did you do that??"

Shoyo had stars in his eyes as he went near Nishinoya's face.

"E-eh??" Noya's face went red, because Shoyo is too close, their nose touching each other.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Tsukishima cringed at this.

"...He found that...Cool??" Kageyama sweatdropped.

"I-I.....I'll teach you my kouhai!" Nishinoya recovered and started to act all 'cool' to his kouhai.

"Uwooohh!.." Shoyo clapped his hands.

"Firstly you gotta do this! And then when the ball is about to come to you...You gotta go BOOM! And rollllll....And your done!"

Everyone: ".............."

"I'm afraid I do not quite unders-"

"Hahaha! You don't need to learn Hinata! Normal receiving is already enough! No need to be showy." Sugawara said while patting Shoyo's back.

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