🍁Chapter 22 ~Filthy Aura~

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As the training camp was going on, Lev wrote a long letter to the Higher Beings. He rolled it and tied it with a red ribbon.

Lev chanted something in another language, then the rolled up paper burned from head to toe.

"A letter from Lev Haiba, requested by Shoyo Hinata" He said.

The paper's remains then flew away. Lev dusted his hands as he proudly said.

"That should do it!"

He was about to walk back to the gym, when suddenly he felt something from behind him...

He snapped his head towards it, but his vision went black..

"Tch, how annoying....You think you can foil my plans huh?~ well....Too bad..."

Black silhouettes emerged from his shadow, he ordered them to split up. He started laughing silently as he disappears.
"Lev's late!" Yaku shouted in annoyance.

Kai hummed "Thats strange....Even if he's late, he would arrive a few minutes later.."

"He must be scared of Yaku. This is why you shouldn't intimidate first years!" Kuroo playfully scolded.

"Not my fault he's such a wimp!"

"Whats wrong Kuroo?" Daichi asked while panting, his team just finished running a lap.

"Lev's late. We don't know where he is!" Yamamoto answered. "He's probably hiding somewhere"

"Lev?" Daichi tilted his head. He then turns towards the not sweating Shoyo. "You were with Lev yesterday right? Do you happen to know where he is Hinata?"

Shoyo stared then pondered. 'Lev must be writing a letter to the Higher Beings....But he should be back by now...Strange..'

"Atsumu, Osamu." Shoyo called out.

The twins then came running towards him to their teammates surprise! They seem very obedient when it comes to Shoyo!

"Yes ma— Shoyo-kun?~"

"I would like you two to find Lev. He's been out for awhile."

"Understood." Osamu said.

"We'll be back before ye know it!" The twins then ran out.

"They seem to listen to you well. Do you guys know each other? Like....Are they the same as you??" Daichi whispered the last part.

Shoyo just nodded as a reply. Daichi wowed.

"Shoyo-chan!~" Tendou jumped then bear hugged Shoyo. He also seemed to finish his lap as well because he's smelly of sweat.

Shoyo didn't mind and just patted Tendou's back. "Hello Satori."

Ushijima walked towards their direction with a towel hanging on his shoulders. He greeted Shoyo and asked why they were gathered here.

"Kuroo's teammate is late, and we don't know where he is" Daichi explained.

Ushijima understood.

"Its Yaku-kun's fault" Kuroo shrugged "No doubt."

Yaku glared at the rooster head "Stop blaming me! I'm not THAT scary!"

"Lies!" Yamamoto protested bravely. Inuoka supported his senpai to the fullest! The Nekoma first years agreed so much.

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