🍁Chapter 18 ~Shiratorizawa~

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'Is this what you call a love at first sight..?' Yaku frowned and smiled stiffly.

"What happened??" Yamaguchi asked from the back.

"Its nothing, Asahi was almost hit by a Volleyball. But good thing Hinata has protected him or else his nose would be broken by now" Daichi said.

Asahi glanced at Daichi meaningfully. Then he looks down at Shoyo.

"Thanks for protecting me Hinata.." Asahi rubbed his nape shyly.

Shoyo nodded "I am glad you are alright"

Karasuno then went inside the gym.

"Karasuno is finally here huh! Are you guys done settling your bags?" Kuroo asks while walking towards them.

Daichi nodded with a smile "Yep! All done. I wanted to introduce you guys to our new teammate"

"Oya? Karasuno has a new member??" Bokuto the owl asks as he suddenly appeared beside Kuroo.

"WOAH!—Geez you scared me!" Kuroo jumped and sighed..

Bokuto rubbed his nape "Sorry bro"

Akaashi walked towards Bokuto's side cuz he saw a new face.

Kuroo glances at an unfamiliar orangette. "Is he the one..?"

Sugawara patted Shoyo's back. "This is Shoyo Hinata! Our new teammate! Say hello Hinata-kun"

Shoyo bowed infront of them politely "It is nice to meet you all. I am Shoyo Hinata."

"Wowie!~ What a cutie! Hey hey heyy Hinata! I'm Koutarou Bokuto from Fukurodani! Nice to meet you as well" Bokuto stretched out his hand.

Shoyo nodded in acknowledgement, he shook Bokuto's hand.

"Hello~ I'm Tetsurou Kuroo from Nekoma" Kuroo grinned.

"Keiji Akaashi, a pleasure to meet you Hinata-san" Akaashi bowed politely. Shoyo also bowed.


Shoyo froze for a moment. Then he saw a familiar looking red head.

Tendou stared at Shoyo wide eyed, Shoyo also stared at him wide eyed..He did not expect to see that child again.


Tsukishima and Kageyama looks at Shoyo. He knows someone from Shiratorizawa??

Tendou dropped the ball he was holding as he rushed towards Shoyo.

"Fox-chan!!" He hugs Shoyo tightly. "Waaaa! I missed you a lot!! Where were you this whole time?! I have been looking everywhere the forest but did not see a single hair of you! But good thing that little birdie told me...But I still didn't know where you were...I didn't expect to meet you here! Oh how I missed you a lot! Lets go, Ushiwaka and the rest missed you as well!"

Shoyo just patiently waited for Tendou to stop talking with a contented smile.

Before Karasuno could even utter a word. Their Shoyo was stolen by the Guess Monster from Shiratorizawa..

Everyone: "........"

"HEY! GIVE US OUR HINATA BACK!!" Tanaka shouted.

"I didn't know you guys also invited Shiratorizawa in this training camp..." Daichi sweatdrops..

Kuroo scratched his cheek as he saw Shoyo and Shiratorizawa hugging each other "Well, yeah. We also invited other powerhouse schools. Some of them still haven't arrived yet tho."

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