🍁Chapter 30 ~Travelling Around The World~

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"We're back..." Komori uttered out as he looks around his home world.

There were plenty of floating islands above their heads. Spirits in all kinds of form and weird magical plants.

They just got out of the "Gate". And were greeted by Hoshimi and Yasunaga. (From chapter 7)

"WELCOME BACK GUYS!!~" Hoshimi screamed as she waved her hand up high.

"Nee-sama, lower your volume will you?" Yasunaga scolded.

"Oops, sorry"

"We are back. Hello again, you two" Shoyo greeted as he bowed his head.

"Formal as ever!~ anyways! The grand master wants to see you guys, follow me!" Hoshimi ushered them as she started skipping forwards.

Yasunaga and the rest followed behind.

As they were heading towards the Grand Master's place. Shoyo was enthusiastically greeted by his fans, making them a bit late.

"Geez! They're so annoying!!" Kyoutani frowned.

"Well it can't be helped. Master is just the best!" Atsumu hummed with delight.

Osamu nodded "Agreed."

Lev nodded enthusiastically.

"Of course! Who wouldn't fawn over him when Shoyo-sama is magnificent, ethereal, beautiful, and powerful!" Komori raised his head up as he smirks.

"Geez, what a simp."

"I am not a simp! I'm just someone who adores Shoyo-sama!" Komori huffed at Kyoutani.

Kyoutani rolled his eyes as if saying 'Sure'.

Shoyo who was walking at the front and he blushed a bit because of the compliments. He lowered his head to hide his face, but he didn't need to do so because his tails already covered him from the back. "....Thank you, Komori..."

Komori quickly stopped glaring at Kyoutani as he switched to his smiley face! "No need to thank me Shoyo-sama! For what I said is a fact!"


Komori kicks Kyoutani's leg. But Kyoutani of course dodges!

"We are here!" Hoshimi and Yasunaga both said.

"You all already know where the Grand Master's office right? So y'all can just go there by yourselves, 'cause me and Yasunaga has some stuff to do! See ya~" Hoshimi and Yasunaga then walked away to somewhere.

Shoyo and the rest walked inside the huge, kinda weird shaped Japanese style building. The halls were long, and the ceilings were tall.

There were huge dragon paintings on the walls, and on the ceiling is a painting of a sunset.

They stopped in front of a huge red door. Futakuchi pushed the door open, and what greeted them was.

Floating books that surrounded a person sitting on his work table. There were also literal mountains of papers on each of his sides.

Shoyo and the rest walked in.

The person seemed to have already sense their presence, he didn't stop his work but still greeted them. "Its been a long time since you guys last visited here."

"Greetings Grand Master" Shoyo brought his hand together and bowed, same with the rest.

"Do you all know why I summoned you here?"

The Fox Spirit🍁☀ʰⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐ | DISCONTINUED |Where stories live. Discover now