🍁Chapter 28 ~No Third Chances~

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Shoyo sat cross legged on a bed, he focused on gathering more Spiritual Energy so that he can have more energy to heal himself. He was too injured inside and out, so it will take a while to heal fully..

He didn't expect that his attacks were overturned towards him causing him to almost lose half of his life..That mysterious guy was powerful...Shoyo doesn't know if he can defeat him, but, he doesn't plan on fighting that guy alone.

He needs to save his disciples, and then find where Sakusa is. The four of them can work together to try and kill that guy once and for all. Shoyo was too naive to think that his ex comrade could rehabilitate in the abyss...He clearly was very wrong...

Because of this small mistake. It cost the whole world...

Shoyo needs to stop being soft hearted, but....He couldn't help it....Everyone deserves a second chance...Even if they are evil.

But a third chance doesn't exist.

That guy should already know that Shoyo gave him a chance to start a new. But he threw that chance away to cause discord in both dimensions.

Shoyo won't be so nice anymore. Even if that guy begged for mercy.

Shoyo opened his glowing eyes. His aura bursted and changed to a dark orange, his hair grew longer that it stops to his waist.

He stood up, cherry petals surrounded Shoyo, then he disappears to save the day!



"Samu....I don' think we'll be able to make a new barrier this time..." Atsumu uttered out as he stared at the cracking barrier..

Osamu frowned at the shadow spirits. "...I guess we'll just have to fight them 'till someone saves us...."

"Fight to the death ah?" Atsumu chuckled with amusement, but theres a bit of helplessness behind it. "Can't believe we aren't able to defeat this supposed low level spirits...!"

"If only we have pure aura, or some kind of purifying talisman!"

Osamu cracked his knuckles as he gets ready to fight. "Can't help it, we're just humans who happens to turn into fox spirits. Also, making purifying talismans is hard, our spiritual energy wouldn't be enough for it."

Atsumu groaned while ruffling his hair in frustration! "Ughhh!! I don't like the feeling of helplessness! Guess combat is our only good thing ah?"

"Yeh. After all, we specialize in that. Thats what we're masters of"


"Get ready to die Samu!" Atsumu shouted with a big grin on his face. Its like he wasn't going to fight to the death.

"I know." Osamu also grinned.


The shadow spirits came out pouring like a tsunami as they reach out for Atsumu and Osamu, ready to devour them.

"JUST DIE ALREADY!" Atsumu sprinted as he did a big swung on his scythe, causing all the shadow spirits to split into pieces.

While the shadow spirits was about to multiply. Osamu shot flames towards them to slow their increase in number. Atsumu then continues to slice them till they were left in pieces!

Once the shadow spirits were about regenerate, Atsumu and Osamu continues to slice and shoot flames towards them. The shadow spirits were annoyed and frustrated! At least give us a chance!

Atsumu smirked. No can do you annoying pieces of shits!

While the twins repeated the same process. The shadow spirits couldn't take it anymore and merged together, they then turned into a big shadow monster with only two white dots as their eyes, and plentiful of hands potruding from every direction.

It was a nightmarish sight that you might see in your nightmares. But Atsumu and Osamu wasn't scared.

The only thing they thought was. 'Well fuck.' The both of them were drained because of how many times they had to slice and burn the shadow spirits. The two don't know if they can defeat such a monster....Just how the hell did this supposed low level spirit became unstoppable?!

Then suddenly....They felt a very familiar warm aura! The twins looked at the source and saw their Master who came to save the day!

They were then shocked to see Shoyo with long hair swaying with the non existent wind, and his aura seemed to change to a dark orange....It feels very intimidating, yet feels very safe to them because of how familiar it is...

"...Master" Atsumu and Osamu both uttered out.

Shoyo summoned out his fan and swung it towards the shadow monster, a strong gust of wind with pure aura blew away the shadow monster, causing it to disintegrate into pieces.

Atsumu and Osamu were mouth agaped at how the shadow monster was easily defeated....But they ain't complaining tho! At least they can finally get to rest!

The twins fell on their knees as they sighed with relief that their Master came to save them..

"Osamu, Atsumu. Are you two okay?" Shoyo went towards them and asked worriedly.

The twins shook their heads.

"We're fine Master!" Atsumu replied. He brought out his arm and showed off his muscle. "Still strong after all that!"

Osamu rolled his eyes as he leaned on Shoyo's big fluffy tail. "...I'm tired."

Shoyo patted Osamu's head. Osamu then felt a warm feeling on that part, his tensed body then began to relax...He let out a satisfied sigh.

Atsumu hugged Shoyo's other fluffy tail to regenerate his energy. "Master your tail is so soft..."

Shoyo let them do whatever they want. He lifted the twins up as the alternate dimension began to crack bit by bit.

"Master, what do we do next?" Osamu asked while sitting comfortably on Shoyo's tail.

They got out, and Shoyo began to run to where he felt that his friends are trapped.

"We need to save the others. It seems that man has taken our friends as hostages.." Shoyo said while his hair was being blown by the wind as he ran with the speed of lightning.

"Master..! That dude...He's very strong!" Atsumu exclaimed. "Even I couldn't leave a scratch on him!"

Osamu nodded solemnly....Though they fought with that guy at a short amount of time....They can tell how strong he is because, the twins couldn't even touch him! Let alone defeat him!

"Do not fret. We will defeat him together. With our strength combined, we will win this battle."

Atsumu and Osamu felt very inspired as they look at Shoyo with stars in their eyes. "Master.."

Shoyo ignored the two as he seriously made up his mind. 'I will end this once and for all.' He narrowed his eyes with a cold glint..
To Be Continued!~~

Okayyyyyy, Not sure if this book is almost done xd....
Lets just wait and see TvT

Also, still labeling this as "HIATUS" lololololol. Won't change it 'till this book is completed xD

Thanks for reading tho! Have a great day/evening!~♡♡♡

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