🍁Chapter 25 ~Osamu & Atsumu~

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Atsumu and Osamu watches as the orange barrier began to crack little by little...Those shadow spirits are very persistent.

"...It'll be yer turn makin' a barrier.." Atsumu weakly said. His spiritual energy is still recovering. So he needs to focus on recovering his energy,  he sat cross legged and continued meditating

Osamu took out an empty talisman, then started writing symbols. Making talismans isn't really his thing, so it will take awhile until its finished. He's trying his best though.


Osamu needs to make sure that he doesn't mess up....He should have practiced making talismans more...


Osamu sweatdrops...But he tries not to get too stressed out.


Osamu gritted his teeth....Each stroke was precise, he tried his best to speed it up more. There isn't much time left!

'Almost there...!'




The shadow spirits got out! They jumped towards Atsumu and Osamu. But Osamu was fast enough and was able to quickly throw the talisman and shouted!



The shadow spirits was once again trapped.


Osamu panted as he kneeled to the ground. This is the reason why he doesn't do talismans that much..! It takes too much spiritual energy!

But it made him admire Shoyo even more...

Osamu lowered his eyelids as he wiped his sweaty forehead..

(Many many years ago...)

"HEY! STOP RIGHT THERE YOU THIEF!!" The stall owner who sells bread chased Atsumu!

Atsumu quickly ran in the alleyways and lost the stall owner. Atsumu panted as he looks vigilantly if the stall owner was still around the area.

When he isn't, he ran out the alleyway. Then began making his way towards the bottom of a ruined bridge.

"Samu! Look what I got!" Atsumu grinned as he showed the big loaf of bread!

Osamu who was throwing stones at the stream looked hungrily at the bread.

"Lets eat!"

The twins sat in their little home. The roof was a dirty old blanket with patches on it. And their bed was a bunch of straws that they took from a horse stable!

Atsumu split the bread in half then gave it to Osamu. The two then started eating happily.

"Mmm!! Sho gwood!" Atsumu hummed in delight.

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