🍁Chapter 11 ~He Knows~

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(Narrator-kun: Long Chapter Ahead)

As Shoyo was running around the halls of the gymnasium, he finally found them. The vengeful spirit that has been lurking around dangerously.

Their aura is so dark it sends shivers down your spine. If this spirit went out to the human world..It won't end well.

He stood not too far away from them, he grabs a talisman inside his kimono but then the vengeful spirit suddenly attacked Shoyo!

Shoyo who was on his guard all the time dodged its attack swiftly. He brought out a talisman with weird symbols and threw it towards the spirit.

The talisman stuck like glue in their body and they cannot move. Shoyo then started chanting with a language that cannot be understood.


The talisman started to glow a very bright light, and then the spirit also started to glow.

Its dark aura disappeared replaced by a very soft light..

The spirit that couldn't be recognized, is finally recognizable. The spirit looks at Shoyo with a thankful gaze and then it disappears in thin air..

Shoyo finally sighed in relief..That was the most smoothest purification he has ever experienced. He's really thankful..

Now that he was done with his job, Shoyo went back to his human form and then started walking leisurely as the alternate dimension breaks like glass.


Humans can now be heard talking and laughing everywhere. Not like the alternate dimension where its quiet and lonely.

Shoyo then went back to his team.

"Hinata-kun, your back"

Kiyoko greeted him with a small smile. Shoyo also greeted her back with a slight bow in the head.

"I'm gonna go up the railings now since the game is starting soon."

Kiyoko nodded "Okay"

"See ya later Hinata" Keishin said and Takeda-sensei waved his hands goodbye to Shoyo.

Shoyo nodded at them then went out to go to the railings. And once he was uptop, he saw his team in their positions.

Sugawara glances up at Shoyo and waved his hand with a smile. Shoyo also waved hello.


Date Tech serves and Karasuno recieves..

"I wonder who'll win this round" A spectator said.

"Me too! I'm really excited about this match!"

"Will Date Tech once again crush Karasuno? Or will Karasuno rise up to win??"

"Uwahhh! So exciting!"

When Obara served the ball. Daichi swiftly recieves and brought it to Kageyama.


Kageyama ran up towards the net and raised both his hands preparing to set. He hurriedly thinks where he'll set, and once he saw Tanaka, he set it towards him.

When Tanaka spiked the ball, he gets blocked by Aone and Fukiage.




"Alright!! Nice block Aone and Fukiage-kun!" Moniwa shouted as he slaps their back.

The Fox Spirit🍁☀ʰⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐ | DISCONTINUED |Where stories live. Discover now