🍁Chapter 7 ~Letter from the Underworld~

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"Nnnn......*Yawn*......" Ukai yawns as he switches his position in the bed.

He rubs his eyes and yawns again. He slowly opens his eyes and saw on the clock that it was already 8:00 A.M.!!!!

Shoyo's class starts at 8:30 and he haven't prepared anything yet!!!

He hurriedly left his bed and ran towards the dining table to see there was already food on it that is covered with.......A red cloud???

Ukai walks towards it and looks at it.

'What's this??'

Ukai thought and brought his hands towards the cloud but it disappears. And then he realizes that the food is still hot even though it has been left for hours!

'Magic really is amazing...' He thought amazed.

He saw a letter on the table and read it.....

'So Hinata already left at 5:30, and made food and took care of everything because he didn't wanna wake me up......Hmph.....That's cute I guess...' Ukai coughed on his clenched hand with a blush.

He then stares at the food in amazement. He didn't know Shoyo could cook.....

Shoyo: I just read it in a book called 'Recipe Book for cooking simple dishes'

Manju: Go back! ;;;



Ukai grabbed his chopsticks and took a bite, he was silent for awhile then exclaimed in glee.

~~With Shoyo Hinata~~

"Hinata-kun! Good morning!!" Yamaguchi greeted as he entered the classroom with Tsukishima.

"Sup Shrimpy."

"Hello to you two as well." Shoyo bows his head a little bit.

"You don't have to always do that Hinata-kun!! We're friends now!" Yamaguchi said as he waves his hands around in a panicky manner.

"I shall try my best."

"Your way of speaking is so weird." Tsukishima said as he sat down in front of Shoyo, cuz thats where his seat is. While Yamaguchi sat beside Shoyo.

"Apologies, for this is how I speak from the moment I existed in this world." Shoyo indifferently said.

Tsukishima: "There it is again."

"Tsukki!! Just let him speak that way, in fact! It kinda suits him. He's like from a Royal family" Yamaguchi chuckles.

"Alright! Class quiet down now!" The Teacher said as she went infront of the class and put down her book.

"Let's start where we left off from yesterday, open your text book in page 99...."
It is now lunch time and everyone went out to buy their lunches in the cafeteria.

"Let's eat together Hinata-kun!" Yamaguchi said as he grabs his lunch box.


The three grabbed their lunch box and went outside, they spotted a bench and sat there.

The Fox Spirit🍁☀ʰⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐ | DISCONTINUED |Where stories live. Discover now