🍁Chapter 17 ~Underwear~

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'If you knew what his real age is, you'd be surprised.' Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei both thought.

"Hinata-kun. Can you please help me and Yachi-chan with this?" Kiyoko asked while carrying two bags and Yachi who was also carrying a heavy looking bag.

Shoyo nodded, he bowed to Coach Nekomata and ran towards Kiyoko and Yachi and took the bags from their arms.

Yachi looks at Shoyo in admiration "Your so strong Hinata-kun..!"

Shoyo nodded with a polite smile. Yachi still doesn't know about Shoyo's real identity since she just joined. But they will tell her soon once they feel comfortable.

The two Karasuno managers and Shoyo quietly walks towards where the managers are staying at. Kiyoko still remembers where it was, so she led the way.

"Anyways! Let your boys settle in first, they must be tired" Coach Nekomata said.

Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei nodded. The Karasuno boys went to their room and settled their bags.

"Fuwah! Finally done!" Tanaka exclaimed as he sat on the floor. He just finished arranging his stuff.

"Me too!" Nishinoya dropped down to the floor. He then sat up and looked around to find a certain orangette "Where's Shoyo??"

Sugawara placed a bag on the floor. "I saw him carrying Kiyoko-san and Yachi's bags, he'll be back soon"

He then opened the bag and took out the items to arrange it. He paused when he saw an underwear that has the design of a single chibi crow on the crotch area...He choked as his cheeks turned pink....'Wha!—'

Daichi saw Sugawara trembling and asked whats wrong, then he saw the underwear, he also choked and covered his mouth.

Tanaka walked over to them and saw the underwear. He began laughing loudly "Whats with this design?! I didn't know you liked this kind of thing Sugawara-san BUWAHAHAHAHA!"

Nishinoya also saw it and laughed "I have a toddler cousin who wears these kinds of stuff too! If you guys meet then you two will definitely be great friends BUWAHAHAHAHA!"

Sugawara smiled at Tanaka and Nishinoya calmly. But his eyes weren't smiling at all.

Everyone surrounded the bag and saw the underwear. They all choked.

"...Pfft—Whats with that design. It looks stupid" Tsukishima snickered.

Kageyama agreed at Tsukishima in his mind.

Yamaguchi thought it was cute though.

Asahi and the three ita's were just spectating. They don't want to get involved.

Shoyo arrived and opened Karasuno's room, he saw the two bro's laughing and his team surrounding something. A question mark appeared ontop of his head.

He walked towards Sugawara and saw the opened bag.

"Oh, so this was where my bag is"

The two bros stopped laughing as they choked. They looked at Shoyo and the underwear, then at Shoyo then at the underwear again.

"..So this was your bag.." Ennoshita silently said.

Tsukishima laughed quietly, his shoulders trembling. It was even better that Shoyo owned it, he thought.

Shoyo heard his words and nodded innocently.

Sugawara who was still sitting looked up at Shoyo as he imagines Shoyo wearing the cute underwear...He then began to tremble..

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