🍁Chapter 13 ~Now everyone knows~

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(Long Chap Ahead!)

"That was so cool.." Yamaguchi stated with stars in his eyes.

Kageyama nodded "I agree."

"It's not that amazing. Anyone can do that as long as they have plentiful of spiritual energy to put in the talisman."

"So that means?! Humans can also learn magic?!" Yamaguchi shouted in surprise, then he covered his mouth as he looked around if anyone heard him, then he asked the question again but in a whisper..

"Hum~...There is only one human I know that can use magic because they have plentiful of spiritual energy which is a rare sight since well, he's a human."

"I'm curious...Do normal humans, like us have spiritual energy like that person you were talking about?" Tsukishima wondered.

Shoyo nodded "But only a little bit. All living things have spiritual energy, but it can't compare to spirits."

Tsukishima huffed out from his nose. He wants to ask more, but he'll just have to keep it to himself for the time being..

Kageyama: "Are there spirits like you? That you know...Can disguise as humans??"

"Of course. But some spirits dislikes humans very much and don't want to associate with them. While some others are curious"

"Oh....Do they hurt humans?"

Shoyo went silent for a while....Well, there was one spirit he knows that hates humans very much.

"Only one person that I know of."

"Well...This talk about spirits is very interesting!" Yamaguchi said with a smile.

Shoyo smiled a bit. "I am happy that you guys took it in very well, just like Keishin-san."

"Eh? Coach also knew??" Yamaguchi was surprised, and Tsukishima could already piece everything together.

Kageyama nodded and answered for Shoyo "Yeah, Coach is the sole reason why Hinata-san is here right now." Kageyama changed Shoyo's title to Hinata-san since its more respectable and he doesn't really want to offend the fox spirit...

"Hinata-san huh....It's really weird for me to call a spirit shrimp.." Tsukishima muttered..

"Ah! Then should I not call you Hinata-kun then, but Hinata-san instead??" Yamaguchi sweatdropped..

Shoyo shook his head and then smiled at them "It's fine...I feel like we're closer if you guys call me what you used to."

Tsukishima, Kageyama and Yamaguchi's heart fluttered then they nodded.

"Then I'll still call you Hinata Boke."

"Shrimp it is then."

"I'll still call you Hinata-kun!"

Shoyo nodded, he adjusted his sitting posture and bowed to the ground in an elegant manner and then straightened his back again as he looked at them "My name is Shoyo Hinata, a nine tailed fox spirit who has come to visit your realm. I hope you all don't mind my company."

Kageyama, Yamaguchi and even Tsukishima smiled.

"Nice to meet you as well, Hinata the fox spirit"
A few days later they're break is finally done and they continued their practice. Shoyo came in the gym and greeted everyone as usual and stood by Kiyoko's side, Kiyoko told Shoyo about her finding an assistant manager to help her manage the club.

The Fox Spirit🍁☀ʰⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃ ʰᵃʳᵉᵐ | DISCONTINUED |Where stories live. Discover now