Chapter 21

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After long and hard preparations, we were finally ready to go to Vanaheim.

Though we did not have the winged horses, as they were the property of Asgard, and Odin refused to give them to us until we became official, we were still properly prepared. I had enchanted each and every one of the girls armors and weapons. I had given enchanted objects through which they could channel my magic powers even if they had no magic of their own. I even created communication devices that allowed us to send messages from a distance, so even if we got separated, we could still keep in touch.

And so the siege of the Vanir palace began.

The light of the Bifröst faded and we found ourselves at the Vanaheim Bifröst entrance. From the very moment we landed the alarm was sounded and everyone around was alerted of our arrival. We began our march on the palace.

A few rebels remained and attacked us, but most of them ran into the palace, behind the safety of the magic barrier. The citizens all hid within their homes, fearing for their lives, unsure of our intentions.

I mean, who can blame them. How were they to know that we came to free them of the tyranny of the thugs and rebels. To them we were the ones to blame in the first place. Asgard was at fault for their pain and suffering, even if it was inflicted through the hands of the thugs.

Soon enough we were in front of the palace entrance, our enemies all gathered within.

For a moment, the thought of just creating a giant fire ball and launching it at the palace passed my mind, but I knew that I wouldn't just kill all of the thugs and rebels, but also all of the innocent people that may have been inside.

I pressed my hand on the magic barrier and destroyed it with ease. Without any properly trained mages, they stood no chance at keeping us out.

As we approached the gate they began throwing stones onto us from the top of the walls. We all activated our shields made of energy that I had created.

We broke down the gate and the true fight began. Those we could capture, we did, but those who opposed we had to kill. It was a bloody battle, but we prevailed thanks to our long and hard training.

I brought forth Fjolnir and offered him the throne. He had fought bravely side by side with us and won back his kingdom.

"I thank you, Freya and the Valkyrie for helping me get back my land and throne. As promised, I will offer you one place of your choice within my kingdom for you to rule in the name of Asgard". He said in a solemn voice.

"And I thank you for taking our deal and for fighting bravely by our side. I have visited this one place during my stay here. It had fascinated me. So, the place I will choose will be Folkvangr. It had once been one of the places of the old Valkyrie, and now I wish take back the hall of the dead for my sisters".

"So be it. I hereby give you, Freya Sigsdottir, the hall of Folkvangr. May the relationship between Vanaheim and Asgard grow strong".

My sisters cheered loud as we celebrated our well earned victory.


I watched as our queen Gyda stepped forth and received the title officially from Odin. I was so proud. We fought hard and against all odds we earned the one thing we wanted, the revival of the Valkyrie.

The after party was crazy. Many cups and mugs were smashed against the ground and many sober thoughts were long gone from peoples heads. There was music, dancing and a plenty of drunken speeches. But I couldn't join in, I did not have the mood for it. With each and every day Brynyar had been more persistent in his torment. Not even the protection charm that I had created could keep him outside of my head. Even in his bodyless state he still had the power to do such things.

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