Story 1

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Author's note:
I will be doing short stories throughout the book. I see them a bit like the books/scrolls/fragments that you find in video games that tell you a story that isn't directly giving you details about the events, but explains them through clever stories. Also they feel a bit like stories from mythology.

A long, long time ago. A young prince of Asgard that was yet a beginner in the arts of magic had decided to ask for guidance from the great keeper of the Bifröst, Heimdall. The youngest son of the Allfather reached the gateway between the realms and saw Heimdall looking out into the far worlds hidden to others by the vast space. Prince Loki went to the all seeing Heimdall and touched his shoulder.

The young Loki found himself seeing a young midgardian maiden that was sitting at the window looking out to the night sky. The god soon found himself enamored by the way the silvery light of the moon reflected on her solemn face. As her golden locks framed her face perfectly, allowing her dreaming eyes to be seen. As Loki watched her, the beautiful maiden looked up at him and her dreaming gaze to the unknown turned to an intense interest towards him.

Heimdall pulled the young god back to Asgard, the realm of the aesir gods. The all seeing Heimdall had been surprised by the power of the prince. As the two asgardians discussed, they understood it had all happened as Loki had began to improve his magic he had been able to take control of Heimdall's powers and as such see the young maiden. The love smitten Loki asked the keeper of the Bifröst to allow his to see her again and after long pleads Heimdall accepted to let him see her from night to night.

Each night the two looked at each other. One night the girl called out into the night:

"Come down to me, oh great star".

He then knew she only saw him as a light in the darkness of the night sky. When she went to bed she hasn't closed the wooden shutters to her windows. Then Loki saw through the window in the reflection of a mirror as she fell asleep. Thus he used his magic to enter her dreams. But he had been scared to show his true form and showed himself as the other prince, his golden haired brother Thor. The girl spoke:

"Oh great star, you have showed yourself a golden angel".

Loki asked her to join him in Asgard. Yet she refused him.

"I am mortal, you are not".

The next night the fair maiden called him again.

"Come down to me, oh great star".

The prince reappeared in the world of dreams, this time in his true form.

"Oh great star, you have showed yourself a dark demon".

Loki tried once again to ask her to join him in Asgard, yet she refused. But this time she asked him to come down to her, and he agreed.

When the prince returned he went to Odin, the Allfather, to ask for his permission to go to Midgard. The father explained that the girl was a mortal and he a god.

The Allfather refused to give him permission to go to Midgard. But Loki was clever. He waited for the right moment and then spoke about the ongoing wars between the midgardians and as Odin wished for there to be peace in all of the realms, he gathered an army and went with his sons to Midgard.

When they reached Midgard, they fought and made the northern tribes get along.

As Odin was finishing his battle for peace, Loki left in search of the loved maiden. He found her on a hill, not far from the last battle. But she was not alone. She was with a soldier from the village below. They were in the light of the moon, under a tree. Loki watched them and soon the maiden noticed him. One last time she called for him.

"Oh great star. Thy blessing I ask. For you to become the guardian of our love and our future together".

Loki could not watch them. He left her, not even looking back. That was when prince Loki finally saw love for what it was... a lie.

Author's note 2:
And here is the first story for this book. It was inspired by a poem I had to learn for school: Luceafărul by Mihai Eminescu. It is romanian and if you are also from Romania you must have studied it at school, or will study it and you will see that I drew quite a bit of inspiration from it. But I don't recommend reading the translation into English. It is nice, but it is way to different, I personally dislike it.

Since the stories are short, whenever there will be a story posted, it will not count as the chapter for the week, so there will still be a chapter this week.

This story was posted on 26th of July 2021

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