Story 2

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And now kids, I shall tell you the story of how the mischievous Loki first fell in love with his wife Sigyn.

One day, the then heartbroken young prince Loki, had decided to watch the people of Asgard. He watched them from a distance as they went on with their lives.

At first he saw a couple. They were not much older than him. He saw the young man hug and kiss his sweetheart. They spent a few hours together, and they both looked entirely happy. But then he saw that, as they parted ways, the young man went to the house of a different maiden and hugged and kissed her too. He lost even more of his faith in love.

Then he watched a merchant that was well off. He watched him all day as he had success selling. And then at the end of the day, he saw him shaving of the sides of the gold coins and keeping the gold shavings, before paying his taxes. Now he had lost the faith in honesty.

He then decided to watch a child. He was sure that a child, still young and innocent would not be as bad. He saw the child leave his house and go to play with other children. All looked just fine. The prince had finally relaxed. But then he saw the children all go together and bully and kick a girl. Now he had lost faith in the goodness of the heart.

He was about to leave, when he noticed the girl that had been bullied get up from the cobbled streets. He watched her as she made her way home. First she went past a bridge. As she was there she heard a dogs cry. She looked below, into the water, and saw a dog drowning. Without a moment of hesitation she jumped in and saved it. The girl was frail, and nearly drowned in the process, but she still saved the pup. The prince's faith in goodness had been restored.

Then he watched as the girl entered the slums of Asgard. A place where only those that were truly poor lived. He saw her go to a stand that was selling what could have only been apples, but they looked like nothing the prince would ever imagine someone eating. The girl asked for two apples, which she bought with the little coins she had left. As the lady at the stand picked up two apples, there was one that fell down unnoticed. The girl picked it up. She could have easily stolen it without being noticed. But instead she gave it back to the seller and just left with her two rotten apples. This way the prince's faith in honesty had been restored.

When the girl got home, the young god went in closer.

She went to the bed on which lay a sickly woman.

"Mommy, I brought you apples". The girl said with a smile on her lips.

"Thank you, sweet girl. I hope the apples haven't gotten pricier again". The woman had a weak voice.

"No mommy, don't worry, they haven't. Here are your two apples. I will go and eat mine by the tree".

The girl kissed her mother on the forehead and ran outside. As he saw the girl just sit and read beneath the tree, acting as if she hadn't just given her only food to her sick mother. The prince had his faith in love restored.

He had witnessed the love of a child for their parent. But he also witnessed his own heart fall for the little girl with fiery hair and a book in her lap.

Author's note:
This part was posted on the 3rd of September 2021

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