Chapter 28

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I was now with all of the Avenges and Loki, ready to depart for Asgard.

I could have just teleported any place I wanted, but I knew it would be useless, since they wouldn't just let me go, instead they would look for me and I couldn't just live my life peacefully. So I decided to go back with them, prove my innocence and then return as soon as possible.

A strange light engulfed the three of us, and soon enough I found myself in a golden dome.

A guard in golden armour came and placed handcuffs on my arms.

"Is this really necessary? I came here willingly". I was getting kind of pissed off by the way they were treating as if I had been some sort of criminal.

"Just a precaution, to make sure you don't use any magic". Thor explained.

He was right. I felt like the immense power I felt inside of me was no longer accessible to me.

"As you wish". I finally comply.

My only goal was to show them that I had no bad intentions and that they could trust me and let me go back to my life, to Alex, he must be worried sick about me.


"Loki". A beautiful woman said, sadness was visible on her aged skin.

"Hello mother, have I made you proud?". Loki said sarcastically.

"Please don't make this worse". Said the woman that I found out was Loki's mother.

"Define worse". Loki said, the chains around his wrist, legs and neck clinking from the smallest movements he made.

"Enough, I will talk to the prisoners alone". The old man said, giving a small glance my way, and then bringing his full attention back to Loki.

The woman left, not saying another word.

Loki made a step forward, making his chains clink even louder as he did.

"I really don't see what all the fuss is about". A smile appeared on Loki's face.

Did he really feel no remorse for his actions?

"Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death". The old man's voice sent a shiver down my spine.

"I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent god. Just like you".

He's truly messed up in the head.

"We are not gods. We are born, we live, we die. Just as humans do". I could feel the wiseness of this old man.

"Give or take 5000 years". Loki added.

"All this because Loki desires a throne".

"It is my birthright". Loki raised his tone, clearly this comment had struck a nerve.

"Your birthright was to die as a child. Cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in you would not be here now to hate me". The old man had also been bothered by Loki's impudence. His shout made me jump up a bit, surprised of his changing temper.

The man's words hurt Loki, though he only showed it for a moment.

"If I am for the axe, then for mercy's sake, just swing it. It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just ... I don't love them". I could see that he went from hurt to hatefull real quick.

"Frigga is the only reason you are still alive and you will never see her again. You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeons".

They both hurt each other with words, and that could only happen between people that once loved each other. I remember that they are family and that it must have been much more behind this than what was said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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