Chapter 17. Sparkle of Life.

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Lexi didn't sleep after she bid adieu to Leon and Cara. She just sat on the swing in the backyard and watched the sun rise from the horizon. It was the first sparkle of life she had seen in two days. It was so beautiful that it brought tears to her eyes and time passed.

"You woke up."

Lexi looked up at the twin with silent fire with a sweet smile.


Edward walked out from behind the swing and sat down beside her.

"What happened?"

Lexi stilled.

"Nothing. I came back."


Lexi wrapped her arms around herself in dilemma. "But what if I had not? What if I had gotten caught in that endless darkness and held captive?"

Lexi pursed her lips. What then? Did she need an answer to that? Something- Someone- would anyone help?

"We would have followed you."

Lexi looked up at him in surprise. What? Did he read my mind or what?

"No. I didn't read your mind."

Her eyes widened.

"It is written all over your face!"

Her mouth fell open and Edward sighed. "It-You- Your actions had always been quite worrying for a while. Whenever something happened, you'd always tell us you are fine and smile sweetly like nothing happened."

Edward drew his arms around her and pulled her in a hug. "Do you know- the time we fell- we took a vow to protect you with all that we have. Not because of our sense of responsibility, not because we were put to it- but because no matter who you are- you are our sister foremost." Lexi grabbed at the back of his t-shirt and cried out loud. His heart burned at the pain in her voice. "So, don't be afraid. You are not alone."

After that, no words were passed. There was no need to, Lexi felt the waves of anxiety in her subside a little. It cleared her head and made her realize that she had been holding back for a while.

Whenever something happened, she would play 'Why me?' game in repeat but on the surface, she would just say she was fine but what about the family that followed her. They too had took the step with her and they must also miss their peace.

But she even doubted them. It seemed that she had been selfish. "I am sorry."

Edward pulled back and looked at Lexi. "Don't be. It was not your fault. It was a choice we made."

"Thank you."


Edward chided softly and Lexi smiled with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah. I love you too, bro."

She felt alive for the first time in a while and she smiled even more- more genuinely and although no one questioned it, they were happy that she was letting them see her heart but she tired herself out by lunch.

They understood- It was exhausting for her to fight the life and death within her and climb out of the endless darkness. So after a hearty lunch, she went upstairs to sleep at her family's insistence.

Time passed by and it was 6:30 pm in the digital clock. Sebastian and Zoe had gone grocery shopping, while Ryan, Silvester, Caleb and Edward were sprawled in the living room engaged in a multiplayer game when the doorbell rang.

"It must be Sebastian and Zoe." Caleb assumed and got up from the sofa. "I'll go open the door."

The doorbell rang again.

Caleb hurried and opened the door.

"Come i-!!" A shiver ran down his spine and he glared at the man in front of him, playfulness gone from his face. "Who are you?"

Adrian's face stiffened for a moment but he calmed himself and let a smile broke out on his face. "Hi, I am Adrian and you are-?"

Caleb looked at his outstretched hand with wary.

"What's taking so long? Did Zoe buy the whole supermarket? Everyone is waiti-!" His twin broke through the door and Caleb watched his face tighten for a second before his face regained his normal pallor, then again the same question. " Who are you?"

Adrian wove his hands through his hairs in fake annoyance. "F*ck, I am done with this sh*t! Where is Ryan? I couldn't reach his phone, he was not at his house- Just ask him to take some responsibility as the vice captain of the team."

The twins shared looks and called Ryan outside.

"Wha- Adrian?! What are you doing here?"

Adrian rolled his eyes at him.

"Where is your phone?"

Ryan patted his jeans' pocket and paused. "I must have left it at my house. What's up?"

"What's up? You are asking me what's f*cking up? Coach called and asked me to gather everyone on the field in 2 hours and I am running around like crazy locating our dear vice captain!"

Ryan flinched as Adrian put on his captain mask- yes Adrian was the captain of the football team, dun, dun, dun. The twins couldn't help but take a step back to protect themselves.

"Sorry. You see a lot happened- some guests came and then, Lexi fell ill. I was so worried that I-"

Adrian paused. "What? Lexi fell ill? When did this happen?"

Ryan looked at him in surprise. "You didn't know? I thought the whole school knew about it."

Adrian sighed. "I was not in the city. I had to go to my hometown because my aunt fell from the ladder."

Ryan looked at him in shock. "What? Is she okay?"

"Just a fractured leg." Adrian smiled at his goodwill. "My aunt is a strong woman. She bloody laughed at my face and told me I looked funny when I worried for her."

Ryan laughed.

"What about Lexi? Is she alright?"

"She had a high fever for two days straight." Ryan shook his head, he didn't want to go back to that time. "But she is fine now. She woke up and sparkled like a shiny star."

Adrian sighed in relief. "I am glad."

"That-" Caleb interjected before Ryan could speak again. "Who is this?"

Adrian rolled his eyes at him.

"Once again, I am Adrian- me and the boys go to same school. Nice to meet you too."



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