Chapter 9. Dancing Butterfly.

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"Miss." A voice called her and she looked at the source of the voice only to find the same maid from earlier coming towards her with an umbrella. "Miss, you will catch a cold."

"Hi, I am Lexi." Lexi outstretched her hand for her to take ignoring her words and the maid shook her hand hesitantly. "I am Glenn."

"Nice to meet you, Glenn," Lexi said with a smile and Glenn nodded politely. "Same here, miss."

"Oh no, I have told you my name so that you can use it and not go with 'miss' thing." Lexi faked anger at her and Glenn rolled her eyes at Lexi.

"Oh my, you just rolled your eyes at me." Lexi drawled and squealed. "Great Accomplishment."

"You are mature, Lexi."

"Finally, you get it," Lexi said and then splashed the water onto Glenn's unifotm.

"Ugh, you will pay for this."

Gone were the umbrella and now they were playing in the water like best friends, messing around in water pits, sliding on the slippery lanes, dancing and twirling.

"So Glenn, tell me something about yourself."

And this was the start of a new friendship.


Adrian disconnected the call hurriedly, feeling great to be left alone after half an hour of torture.

And the credit goes to the two idiots who happened to be the overprotective brothers of the butterfly sleeping upstairs.

Well, apparently they flipped hearing the news of her staying over and wanted to come over but Zoe chided them for their childish behavior.

He looked at the window as lightning flashed the sky followed by a howling thunder and picked up his discarded wine.

He walked towards the window and took a long sip of it to quench his thirst like it is water. Which was, for him..

He looked around the magical scenery in front of him and his lips curled up as a butterfly came in his line of sight dancing around in mirth, followed by Glenn who tried to wind up with her but failed miserably and lost her balance.

Adrian opened the window of his room, only to be enraptured by the melodic laugh of his butterfly echoing in the garden.

"Need help?" Lexi outstretched her hand for her to take but Glenn slapped her hand away with a scowl.

"It is your fault." She got up hurriedly but sensing mischief, she pretended to loose balance but grasped Lexi's hand at the last minute, causing both of them to sprawl on the floor.

Lexi scowled as Glenn burst into fits of laughter noticing Lexi's uniform was covered in dirt too.

"What is going on here?" A sharp familiar voice cut through them and Lexi was the first to stand up followed by Glenn, who kept her head down.

"Adrian, come let's dance." She skipped to him happily and Adrian looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"No, we are going back inside." He mutters.

"Please." She pouted her lips and put her arms around his shoulders while he grunted unhappily in response.

"Glenn, you can go." Adrian muttered gruffly and Glenn nodded before walking towards the back door of the house.

"Why are you being rude to her?" Lexi scowled at him while he preferred to ignore her and drag her to the door which Glenn passed through a minute before.

"Ow." She winced as he applied pressure on her injured wrist and he immediately let go.

"Shit. I am sorry Lexi, are you ok?" He raised his hand to touch her wrist but she slapped it away.

"Got you." With this, she dashed away from him and Adrian growled at her.


"You can't catch me." She shouted from over her shoulder and Adrian groaned as he ran after her.


This is it!! He swiftly ran towards her and taking a chance, picked up her in his arms and she pouted unhappily as he started walking towards the door.

"Adrian, please." Lexi looked at him pleadingly and Adrian growled at her.

"It will not work on me."

"Stupid ass." She huffed angrily and looked away from him. "I hope you go to hell."

"I am planning to." He pushed open the door of his house with his foot and walked towards the stairs and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Don't talk to me."

"It will be a relief to not hear your nagging voice." He mocked her and she looked at him with a glare before mumbling something under her breath to his amusement.

He climbed up the stairs careful not to hurt her and Lexi looked at him, then down at the height before she shudders lightly.

Adrian looked down at her and chuckled as he took in her mortified expression.

"Lexi, I will try not to drop you."

"That didn't help at all." She gave him a blank stare and he sighed.

"Trust me."

"....." I do. Lexi smiled.

They finally reached his room and Adrian carefully put her down on her feet.

"Go shower."

She nodded absently, still looking outside the window.

"I will ask someone to bring your clothes."

She nodded again and he sighed as he noticed her lack of concentration.

"Go." He nudges her and she snapped into reality before walking towards the bathroom.

"And Lexi?"


"Will you go to Ryan's party with me?"


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