Chapter 21. Cute Little Demon.

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Adrian was the last of the group to reach the party. Dressed in casual cargo pants and a white shirt carelessly thrown over a black vest, he crossed the pavement and reached the pool in the lush lawn. There was a row of barbeques by the poolside and drinks were downed alike by everyone like water.

The romantic ballroom tunes were the "hit" factor of the party and couples were roleplaying Romeo and Juliet, but it was actually a tragedy with alcohol in their system. But even if it was called "The Pool Party", no one was crazy enough to jump in the cold water- it was just a human 'roleplay' of a kind.

These crazy people-Adrian cursed under his breath. He was almost missing the "actual" teenager party until a butterfly flew in his line of sight again. She waltzed among the crowd, hand in hand with Silvester with a breathtaking smile.

She liked this setting, Adrian mused and looked around the lawn draped with fairy lights and golden lamps. It looked quite similar to his 'humane' backyard, which Lexi loved enough to dance around in the lightning and thunder.

'My silly butterfly', Adrian chuckled internally and walked towards her.

"Can I cut in?"

"Adrian, you are here!" Lexi ditched her brother and jumped in her boyfriend's arms.

"Lexi." Lexi giggled. She smelled absolutely divine- it was her favorite blueberry shampoo and- vodka?

"What the fuck man!" Adrian looked at Silvester in dismay. "You gave her alcohol."

"Hush!" Silvester shushed him and looked around to see if anyone heard. "I didn't want to but this little demon showed me her big puppy eyes and-"

"And you caved in?" Adrian asked as he pulled her arms around his neck and held her steady.

Silvester scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Kind of."

"Man, Sebastian is going to kill you." Lexi giggled as if agreeing with the notion.

"That is why you must hide her quickly!" Silvester urged and looked around in fear.

"Should I put her in my pocket or something?" Adrian raised his brow at him.

"I don't know, man. Just take her away from here before Sebastian sees her like this and bury me two feet under." Silvester looked at Adrian pleadingly.

"You should have thought about this earlier." Adrian picked his girlfriend up like a baby, and she squealed as she landed in his arms.


"Yes, butterfly, I am here."

"C-can we do this again?" Lexi looked up at him with big blue eyes filled with admiration and a little hope.

"If you wish, my dear."

"Yay, fly. fly. high!"

Lexi chanted it out like a spell and stretched out her arms high up to try and fly like before.

"Careful." Adrian held the back of her neck when she was about to fall and looked at her sternly. "Lexi. No more flying."

Lexi's lower lip trembled as her eyes filled with tears. "Why? I just want to fly again."

Adrian sighed. "Lexi-"

"Why?! Why?!" She kicked around in his arms before a tear slipped past her eyes, and then there was no stopping her.

"Lexi-" Adrian could feel his heart clench as he watched her bawl loudly.

"Listen. Listen to me." Lexi paused and looked at him with teary eyes.

"It's because—because—I don't want anyone to see you fly." Adrian said softly. "I am a very jealous man, okay? Only I should be the one to see you fly."

"Really?" Lexi asked, and Adrian nodded. "What if someone takes you away from me after seeing you fly?"

Lexi sniffed as she contemplated his words before nodding.
"Y-Yes. I-I am awesome. Y-You should not lose me."

Adrian chuckled. "Yes, I'll never let you go."

Once he had coaxed her into resting her head on his shoulder, he turned to look at Silvester. He seemed to be stunned out of his mind.

"Bro you coaxed the little demon just like that!" Silvester gave him a thumbs up! "You are awesome."

"It's nothing."

"No no no no- let me tell you, there was a time when we were not as close as we are now." Silvester paused when he saw the question in Adrian's eyes. You are siblings?

"Me and Sebastian are adopted. Lexi was barely able to adapt to the fact that she had lived away from her father, and then we came. But that's a story for another time." Silvester waved his hand at his probing look and continued.

"So, she'd throw tantrums at each turn and would hide under a table if things didn't go her way." Silvester reminisced out loud. "We were barely able to coax this little demon out of her shell. I never thought this old nickname would see the light of day again."

"No thanks to you." Adrian rolled his eyes at her. "Call me if you get out of this mess alive."

He didn't wait for his reply and walked out of the party with his darling butterfly.


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