Prologue :: The Parity.

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Under the sharp gazes of the high ranking Angels and Fallens, a shiver ran down his spine.

A fake shiver...

"Well you know you don't have to give yourself the trouble." He passed them an apologetic smile which dissolved into a devilish smirk. Oh how much they wanted to wipe that smirk off his face.

If only it would be that easy...

He is a Lord! Not just the one to be taken lightly, but Lord of the Darkness and is even more dangerous than the monsters in the pits of Tartarus. This man feed on terrors and is pure evil.

"Now if you are the nice man," His voice dropped to a low harsh condescending whisper, all the playfulness in his voice gone, "then f*ck off and let me speak to him."

"Our father is not as free as you are, rogue."

As soon as the angel finished his sentence, a dark black energy came out of nowhere that he barely managed to dodge just before something grave could have happened.

"Did it seem like a request?" He asked innocently as he looked at Lucifer and Gabriel standing on the pedestal. Dressed in Black and White Robes, the two men seemed to be communicating with each other with their eyes.

Gabriel nodded at his brother and chanted something under her breath, causing a murmur of protest among the angels and fallens.

"Please think this through, Sire."

"Sire, we can't let him do as he please."

On that note, a deafening screech was heard and all the angels and fallens fell down to their knees as the door behind Gabriel and Lucifer opened.

Come inside, my child.
It was a silent sentence but it held an unbelievable power.

He walked towards the white door and cocked his head to look at the Lucifer and Gabriel, who didn't step in to stop him.

He crossed his arms and tsked.
"If you are planning to trap me, then it's just a waste of your precious time."

"I assure you broth-"

"F*cking stop right there." His eyes blazed fiery red under the hood and they both themselves for an impact.

But nothing came, except the tremors of anger from him.

"You are not my brothers." He spat out the words like they were venom and then he was gone and the door behind them closed on its own, while they both stood there motionless.


He knew he was his father too, his creator so he had a respect for him that was buried somewhere in his heart despite being the hatred he felt towards the angels and fallen.

"Ah my child, how are you?" The dark-haired man in front of him asked with a warm smile and the dark lord ignored his question.

"Where is the key?" He asked and the powerful man sighed.

"I cannot tell you that, my son."

"Please." He muttered tightly and The God looked at him with pity! He loathed that thing.

"I cannot tell--" The God's words died in his throat as he heard a melodic voice chime from the other door behind him.

The door opened and a little girl skipped inside happily, her red hairs dancing in the breeze and her green eyes sparkling with tender childishness and growling mischief.

"Alexandra!" Someone growled at her from the other side of the door making her giggle and she looked over her shoulder to glance out of the door.

"I love you too, bro."

Then the door slammed shut and her father shook his head with a defeated sigh.

"What did you do now, Alexandra?"

"Hi, dad." She greeted her father as she skipped over to his big white plushy chair ignoring his question and his presence as she leaned over to settle down on the chair.

"Alexandra." Her father warned her as she picked up his glasses and she gave him a flying kiss from the high chair.

"I love you too, dad."

She giggled and put on his rimmed glasses and his father sighed as she gave him a sloppy smile in an attempt to match his grin, before his face finally broke and he returned her sloppy smile.

But they didn't notice the sinister smile on his face as he gazed at her with blazing eyes and his next words caused the world to slip from beneath his feet.

"Well, I never knew the god has a daughter." He laughed devilishly, the wheels in his head turning as he gazed at the mischievous redhead whose green eyes immediately stumbled over to him with fury.

"Hey! You have no right to express me as the third person." Alexandra glared at the strange man with blazing fiery greens who looked rather amused by her.

Did he find it funny?! Argh!!


But her next move left the two powerful men stunned by her. Her wings fluttered behind her back before they fully spread out into the beautiful wings as she flew over the glass table and landed in front of him.

"I am Alexandra and you'll bow down to me!!"

"Ah, so she is a parity." He smirked taking in the butterfly wings which were so different from each other, one the purest shade of the white and other the darkest shade of black.

"Interesting!" He took a step towards her, only to be blocked by a silver of light.

"She has no say in this matter." The God looked up at him and his lips curled up in a smirk as he cocked his head briefly to look at him, before glancing back at the beautiful redhead who stood her ground confidently.

"Too bad, she has."

Then he disappeared in thin air, taking flimsy white barrier with him leaving God utterly dumbfounded.

The tension in the room dropped down and almost immediately, Lucifer and Gabriel burst through the doors and the expression on his face left them utterly shocked.

Did he look.... helpless?

"Don't worry father, he will not get the Shadow Key as long as we are alive." Lucifer, his favorite Fallen assured him but he himself paled as he heard his father's next words.

"He is after Alexandra."

Silence. Pin drop silence prevails in the room.....

"What?!" Gabriel was the first to break it with his shrieking and Lucifer glared at him, with message clear in his eyes. Keep it down, bastard!

Their gaze drifted towards their healer who was busy catching a pix dust butterfly that has flown in through the window.

"There must be some way." Lucifer gazed up at the ceiling for some answer.

"I think, I got it." Every gaze landed on Gabriel at his words and as his eyes met Lucifer's, they exchanged an understanding nod.

"Father, I know this will hurt but this is the only way."

The God of the universe looked at his daughter and nodded tightly.


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