Chapter 19. Boyfriend Blues.

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After Adrian left with Sebastian and Ryan, the twins got the ultimatum to return for an emergency and later in the evening around 10pm, the twins were ready to depart from the house.

Sebastian and Ryan were still on the school grounds preparing for the football match that was tomorrow evening- as Sebastian told Zoe on phone. The practice will go on for another hour, so the twins said their farewell to them on the phone.

"Do you have to leave now?" Lexi crossed her hands behind her back in displeasure. "You could have gone in the morning too."

"Lexi-" Edward took a step towards her in an attempt to comfort her.

"Why does everyone have to leave today?"

"Sorry." Edward pulled her in his arms and bit his lower lip in agony. "If it had not been urgent, I would have stayed even if I have to send Caleb alone."

Speaking of the devil, Caleb pulled their car out of the garage and in front of the house and honked.

"I have to go now, Alex."

But she held on, refusing to let go. Caleb honked the horn again, this time more urgently and Edward sighed.

"Alright, now look here." Edward drew back a little and waved his hand. Lexi watched as a flame overlapping his hand and then a bead rested in his hand. It was transparent and inside it rested a small orange red flame. "This is for you. If you miss me, break this and I'll heed your call."

Lexi blinked.

"Will this do?" Edward smiled as she gingerly took the shiny marble from him.

"Miss me, ok?"

She nodded and hugged him one last time just as Caleb honked the car horn again. It was time to let go. Again.

"See you soon." He let go of her and walked towards the car.
If only he knew it was not soon, he would not have let go even if it was an existential crisis.

The night went with somberness where Lexi missed her family even more and had to make do with her memories. But morning came with new excitement- it was the day of football match, and their school was going against their all-time rival- Green Hills High School.

After the classes were over, the crowd grew in the field and divided into their supporters and rivals. The excited hoots floated amongst the stands and Lexi and Zoe took the seat Silvester saved for them in the front row with their share of colas and popcorns.

"I am so excited about this match!" Lexi exclaimed over the chants of "Eagle High!" & "Green Hills!" and Zoe matched her excitement. "Me too. I hope we win!"

Silvester tsked and flipped the page of his book. "I am sure it would be just another reason for you to kiss Sebastian."

"Shut up!" Zoe flushed in embarrassment.

"You are not even denying it!" Silvester grinned like a madman.

Zoe would have erupted like a volcano if not for the loud cheers that stole her show, and the boys took their entry- running and warming up around the edges of the field.

Lexi immediately felt her eyes drew to the leading man- it was charming the way he effortlessly got people to follow him- A King, she murmured softly. And as if he heard her, he paused in his ministration and clashed eyes with her.

Dressed in black long-sleeved top and blue denims- his two favorite colors, she looked every bit the sweet human being she was.


He winked at her and chuckled as her eyes widened and cheeks tinged with red color- the color that he would like to see on her forever.

It was the whistle blown by the referee that broke their eye contact and beckoned him ahead to shake hands with the captain of their rivals. It was time for the toss.


Adrian won the toss and chose the ball instead of the side and, the crowd erupted in cheers again. They took their position on the field, the whistle blew, and it was a rush of adrenaline.

Adrian picked up pace and flew up the ball between the two players and goal! The students of Eagle High School cheered as their star player goaled. The score was 1-0 and they were in lead now. It was a good start, but it didn't take long before the scores levelled to 1-1 and the first half ended there.

"I want to go to toilet."

Lexi exclaimed suddenly and Zoe rolled her eyes at her. "We are so tensed here, and you need to pee."

"I can't pause it"

Zoe made a face at her. "Just shut up and go."

Lexi stood up from her seat and walked out of the stands. It was not a long way back to school- the game will be paused for at least 20 minutes- so she'll back before it starts again.

It barely took her 5 minutes to do her business and she still had minutes to spare so she took a detour and bought herself a pack, ok maybe 2 packs of her favorite fruit gummies. She saved one for later and opened the other with happy eyes.

She pulled out one and - "Hey you!" She flinched as someone broke into her path and the sugary treat fell on the ground. My candy-"How long have you been following me?"

"Huh?" Lexi broke out of her sorrow and looked up in confusion. A boy her age, donned in the jersey of their rival school, was smirking at her like he knows it all. "Who are you?"

"Are you pretending to be coy? I saw you follow me to the vending machine and now I have caught you red-handed in the act."

"Look there had been a misunderstanding-"

"Are you a fan? Do you want my autograph?" The boy continued her delusion. "Or is it that you like me?"

"I told you I am not following you."

"You don't have to be shy."

Lexi was now annoyed. "I have a boyfriend."

"You don't have to lie-"


"Adrian!" She beamed at him and skipped towards her savior in delight.

"What are you doing here?" Adrian asked as she stood up on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek and returned her greeting by a kiss on her forehead.

"I went to buy this." Lexi held up her treats in delight and Adrian chuckled. Why was he not surprised? Lexi had always had a sweet tooth and they even bonded over a bunch of cookies.

"Let me take you back." Adrian draped his arm around her waist but Lexi held him back.

"Just a second." She turned to the guy who made her drop her candy. "I forgot to introduce you to him. This is Adrian-" She leaned against Adrian with a smile. "My boyfriend."


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