Chapter 20. Caged Thoughts.

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"My boyfriend." Lexi smiled mischievously. "I am solely his fan forever."

"We know each other." Adrian said neutrally. "Hi Gene."

"You know him?" Lexi looked confused. This delusion- no, bad Lexi.

"Hey! What's with that tone?" Gene snorted but Adrian ignored him and focussed on his dear Lexi.

"He is the Captain of the other team but how do you know him?" Adrian asked as he brushed the ends of her hair with his fingers.

"Well, he stopped me here and accused me of liking him."

His hands paused and he glanced at Gene. "Oh? He did that?"

"And when I told him I have a boyfriend, he said I am lying." Lexi enacted the whole truth out in the open.

"Hey! I didn't know-"

Adrian ignored him again and glanced at his watch. "The match will be starting soon. Shall we go?" -and lock you up?

Lexi nodded happily.

"Do you want a gummy?"

Adrian hummed. Do we need the chains?

"Which one do you want?"

"Anything." Anything to simmer his beast down. -or a gag to simmer you down.

Lexi fed him a mango gummy and chose an apple gummy for herself.

"Want more?"

"Yeah." Will you cry? Adrian tightened his grip around her waist in self hatred.

"More?" She held up another gummy close to him.

"No, I feel fine now." I don't want you to cry.

"Hm?" Lexi looked up at him as she fed herself another gummy.

"Nothing." Adrian brushed a lock of hair away from her face. "We are here."
So fly high up and away from me.

"Oh." Lexi pouted at the thought of parting ways with him.

"I'll see you after the match." And be free and happy without me.

"Hm." Lexi stood on her tippy toes to peck his cheek and rushed ahead into the crowd.

He watched her turn back and wave at him before disappearing from his sight. I lov-

"Adrian-" Sebastian cut himself off as he sensed the dark clouds above Adrian. Who killed his sheep?

"Are you ok?"

Adrian nodded.

Sure. Sebastian rolled his eyes in dismay. "Let's go. The coach is calling."

The stands filled up again as whistles blared on the field and then it started. The natch and the torture of their rival team. From then on, no matter what the other school did, it was impossible to touch even the sleeve of his jersey.

Like an arrow that left the bow, Adrian unleashed his madness on the field and Sebastian was not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

The final whistle blew and there was chaos. There were burst of colors around him as everyone celebrated the win.

"You are crazy!"

It was Gene.

"Thank you." Adrian smirked and held out his hand in peace. "Good game."

"Sure." Gene rolled his eyes and shook his hand.


Adrian turned around and smiled at his girlfriend bounced over to him. "Lexi."

"Good job, boyfriend." Lexi giggled and held out the unopened pack of gummy bears. "This is for you."

Adrian raised his brow at her. "A reward?" She nodded with a smile.

"How about something like that?" He nodded towards Zoe who was kissing Sebastian as his reward.

"T-That-" Lexi pursed her lips and looked around at the crowd around them. "We- You-"

Adrian smiled. "Is that a no?"


"Yes?" Adrian raised his brows at her.


"No, I mean yes- no!" Lexi stuttered in panic.

"No, or Yes?"

"I-I-" Lexi closed her eyes for a second and looked up at his blue eyes. It was so enchanting that it drew her near and then her lips touched his with a burst of ardent flames.

"Guys, about the after party- eww Zoey!" Silvester made a face at the fairy deep throating his brother and turned to her other sister to complain.

"No way, you too Lexi? Why am I the only one single?! I want a girlfriend too."


"Why a pool party suddenly?" Sebastian asked with raised brows.

"They said that it was the new 'it'!" Silvester double quoted 'it' with his fingers.

"This 'it' will have our a$s served on a platter to the rogue now."

The Angels, Fallens, Fairies and Faeries have wing marks engraved on their shoulder blades, from where their wings sprout from and they were like the testimonials of their identity as well as the powers they hold.

Because Lexi had her powers sealed in her soul by their father, there were no wing marks engraved on her skin like any other normal human.

"So, are we not going?"

Lexi said as she munched on her favorite spicy tomato chips and watched the drama enfold in their living room.

"Don't worry, guys. You have me in your court." Zoe laughed like a madman, no mad woman.

"She has lost it again." Silvester whispered dramatically.

"So, remember the time when I went to field trip with my friends, it was in the Heavenly Blue Mountains, the weather was just right-"

"Get to the point." Lexi interjected Zoe's rant and earned herself a glare.

"I was getting to that." Zoe cleared her throat and resumed. "And I thought of this- since the blue mountains have all shades of colors of our wings, why not explore them? So tada-" Zoe held out a vial with a clear blue liquid.

"What's that?" Silvester asked.

"I call it, "Let's erase it all" !" Zoey smirked and opened the vial. "So, who will go first?"

Silvester and Lexi looked at Sebastian in a tacit understanding.

"Why me?" Sebastian glared at the two of them in disbelief.

"Well, she is your girlfriend." Silvester pointed out and Lexi nodded in support. "So, if anything went wrong-"

Sebastian cursed under his breath and Zoe rolled her eyes at them.
"Wow you guys, your confidence in me is heart touching. Now, off with your shirt, Sebas."

Sebastian took off his shirt and turned his back to Zoe.

"Here we go." Zoey emptied the bottle on his back and like magic, everyone watched the marks disappear like they were never there. "This lasts for 48 hours and is absolutely waterproof."

"Zoe, you are awesome." Lexi gave her a thumbs up!

"Your turn, Silvester."

"Aye aye, mam."


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