Chapter 3. Frat boys.

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The next day came without any other suspicion and Lexi and Adrian, took their seats on the two sides of Chemistry Lab.

Lexi has a feeling that he was not going to talk to her soon as he was quite busy with the school's queen bee Regina.

Lexi was too busy putting her nose in the depth of her new mystery collection while Regina was too busy moving her hand over Adrian's arms.

No doubt, Adrian was praying to be away from this torture and go sit with someone who talked sense and not crap.

He was here for her. But it was easier said than done!! Then it clicked like a wave and in an instant he held onto Regina's hips, earning a pleasured sigh from her. She giggled as his hand hovered up her spine and his breath tingled her ear.

"My place at 8."

And as the bell rang, that's his cue to leave.

The school was over and now Zoe, Silvester, and Sebastian were waiting for Lexi in the parking. The boys were confused as to how this 'Adrian' boy had managed to merge in and that too so easily.

No more eerie feelings!!!

Perhaps they were just overthinking it, right?

It cannot be anything else.


On that note, Sebastian dialed his sister's number and she picked up the call almost immediately.

"I am coming. I am coming." And Sebastian breathed in relief as he heard the dial tone.

Nothing was going to happen to her.


Lexi was once again running around the, now, silent empty hallways, as the school was over now. She didn't even know how she lost the track of time. Truth, her books were more valuable to her than time.

She turned a corner and gasped in surprise as she bumped into yet another hard wall (which she really need to stop doing) and at the next moment she was sprawled on the floor with her bag.

She took in a sharp breath as her eyes landed on the three well built muscular boys, towering over her and she shivered as she realised they were not the part of her school.

"Ah kitten, do you want to have some fun?"

"Drace!!" The hairs on the back of her neck stood up at the very familiar voice and the three guys shivered uneasily.

"Leave her alone."

"But I'd like a taste." Drace licked her lips at the thought of tasting the sweet looking prey causing Lexi to unconsciously shuffle back and froze as her hand touched a pair of shoes.

A hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her in his arms, the beautiful blue eyes peering up at the tall man but he kept his gaze on the dark muscular guy.

"Do I have to repeat myself?"

The man he called 'Drace' shivered and took a final glance at the black haired beauty tucked in his arms and shook his head.

I'd like to keep my head.

"Good. Now fuck off." He said and the muscular man somehow managed to scurry out of the school without feeling the burns of his dark flames.

Thank the lord.

Lexi sighed in relief as she felt the tension drop and looked at the hand wrapped around her waist.

"Don't mind those morons, they are just frat brothers I know. They are all talk and no burn."

Just what are you implying?

He smiled in amusement at the blue eyed duckling staring up at him with a deadpanned expression and bend down to pick up her bag.

"If they pick up on you again, you know where to find me." He held out her bag with the thin loop in the top and she took ahold of the straps careful not to touch his hands. As if they could burn her.

"Thanks," Lexi smiled and almost immediately frowned as The Madagascar Escape's sweet track filled the corridor.

Love always comes as a surprise.
You don't need to close your eyes.
'Cause soon you'll recognize.
It's colored.....

Unable to take up any more embarrassment, she picked it up immediately.

"I am coming. I am coming." She mutters hurriedly and cut the call. She peered at him through her lashes and received an amused smile.

She stuck out her tongue at him in a puff of anger and ran down the hallway ignoring the chuckles of mirth that followed her.

It had been so long since he had laughed genuinely and he was sure he had forgotten how to.

A dark black mist went up his sides in rotational motion as he took a final glance at the hallway and smiled from the envelope of mist, disappearing with him and at the next moment, the hallway was once again empty.



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