Chapter 8. The Beast's Desire.

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Adrian sighed as he made his way up to the stairs. It was getting more difficult than he thought.

Why princess? Why are you playing games with me?

And the conversation with Hayes and Drace didn't work up much. They managed to find out the place of their 'temporary' fall on earth.

Eagle High School.

The school he enrolled into but that phase was over and now they have their suspicions on another location, so he asked them to keep an eye there.

He pushed open the door expecting the sight of her moping around his room but the sight in front of him, caused his lips to curl up.

The beautiful butterfly was curled up on his bed, sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face and his eyes fell on her injured wrist again.

She was lying about her bathroom slip, he figured that out.

But why?

And fuck, he knew he would have manhandled her if Hayes would not have called. But why would someone hurt her? She was the most beautiful human he had ever met. Inside and Outside.

He entered his bathroom and pulled out the first aid kit from one of the cabinets beside the mirror.

Wait a minute! Why was he so concerned about her? He glanced at his reflection in the mirror and tilted his head slightly.

She is beautiful.

He already established that. He shook his head slightly and glanced up at the ceiling with a sigh.

What is wrong with me? Why does it feel so right with her, even though wrong? Like I know her, he thought as he walked out of the bathroom but his heart felt content as he watched her sleeping angelic face.

Maybe I li-

F*ck, what am I thinking? Adrian mentally flipped himself off and approached the bed. He sat down beside her sleeping figure and carefully took out her hand.

He carefully put an antiseptic on her injured wrist and wrapped a gauze around her wrist.

On that cue, he felt something vibrating on the bed and he hovered over her slightly to find her phone flashing a picture of Zoe with her name. He sighed and tried to pull out her phone that is stuck, halfway near her hips.

But the sudden pull cause her to stir while she mumbleed something incoherent and turned on her back, the phone still vibrating.

He gulped in desire as he saw her now visibly heaving bosoms, that were earlier hidden behind those hands.

He closed his eyes trying to calm himself and tensed as he felt arms wrap around his waist. He looked down at Lexi, whose head was resting on his chest and then at the now visible blinking device.

He hurriedly picked up the call and muttered a low 'hello' only to receive a snort in response.

"Really Lexi, that's the best you come up with," Zoe said angrily and Adrian looked down at Lexi. "And why are you using that manly gruff voice but whatever let me tell you, you cannot trick me. And why don't you call me when that queen bitch hurts you. I swear I feel like clawing her oh so fake face and bo-"

"Zoe, this is Adrian." Adrian chuckled mirthfully and heard a gasp.

"Oh my god, I am sorry. I didn't mean to tell you all this but maybe I would have. Oh god, I am rambling again." Adrian chuckle as he heard her talk to herself and smiled at Lexi.

"Anyway, without any rambling, can I talk to Lexi?"

"I am afraid, you can't," Adrian said, looking at Lexi and Zoe's voice took a furious note.

"What do you mean?"

"Actually, she is sleeping right now and I don't want to wake her up."

"Oh my god! I am sorry. I didn't mean to flip at you," Zoe said apologetically and Adrian chuckled.

"It's alright."

"Ms. Flurvin, what are you doing out of the classroom?"

"Oh shit!"

"Ms. Flurvin!"

"Do come to my funeral." And the call was cut.

He chuckled and flung the phone back on the bed. But a small tug made him aware of their position, very aware of her curves under her school shirt and not so long skirt, revealing those long legs going up and his heart swell with desire by the mere thought of what's hidden there.

He removed her hold on him and carefully put her head on the soft pillow. Anything could happen to her if his beast gained control under desire so he gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead before disappearing from the room in a puff of dark mist.


Lexi's eyes fluttered lazily before they shut yet again before she sat up on the bed. She rubbed her eyes and opened her eyes slowly but gasped in shock as she took in her surroundings.

A thunder eruptee outside and she looked outside to find it pitch black but that didn't fascinate her instead the slow pitter-patter of the rain did.

She walks towards the window and gasped as she took in the beautiful sight in front of her. The lamps glowed like fireflies in the night around the beautiful garden that she didn't see before and she made a dash towards the door.

She hurriedly walked down the stairs and immediately dashed out of the door. Even the rain couldn't stop the sweet rendezvous around the brightly lit garden.

She didn't care if she was soaked or could catch a cold later. She was happy enough to live in the moment.

It made her forget sad reminders.

She took in the sight of the beautiful flowers around her and closed her eyes in pure bliss. She was jumping around happily, when she heard footsteps and an unfamiliar voice.


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