Chapter 16. Surprising Symmetry.

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It was pitch black, the consequence of breaking her father's will was as peril as a darkness sucking on her veins with no mercy.

Her green eyes willed herself as she floated-no, flew around in no symmetry helplessly trying to swim through the darkness.

"What a pleasant surprise, Alexandra."

This voice-this voice was so unfortunately familiar that it made her heart clench with anxiety.

"Did you have fun playing with me?"

She didn't reply instead she pushed herself away from the voice.

"Is this your soul?"

A hand materialized beneath her and her feet gravitated on the top of the calloused palm on its own.

"How unusual."

Her soul was pure white but was covered in an after shadow of black, keeping the balance. Her wings were the same unequal white and black and flickered behind her in agony as she was unable to flew up from the hand.

"How did you come here?"

Where is here?!

"You don't know?"

She must have said her thoughts aloud.


The hand disappeared abruptly and she descended into abyss, only to fell onto the cushion. Lexi flew herself up from the soft pillow and looked around the lavish room.

"Welcome to my domain, Parity."

She turned abruptly in the air to face the man that sat against the golden headrest and bounced back in disbelief. His face was a tornado of black mist with two dark red eyes peeping through them. Another fallacy since it was so unhuman unlike the rest of him which was proper human with legs spread out lazily and arms crossed over as he leisurely sipped on his wine chalice.

"How do you do?"

If she had not known better, she would've thought he was smiling behind that mist.

"What do you want?"

The words left her lips before she could stop them.

"You trespassed on me, my dear." He swirled the glass of wine in his hand. "Shouldn't I be the one asking that?"

"Why are you so hung up on thi-?!" Her heart jumped in her chest as the coiled mist forked in her way. "Stop doing that."

The mist flickered again, dissolving into his face and settled as a dark vintage mask covering his features. Once again the only thing visible was his red eyes and exceptionally, his dark black hairs.

What is up with the mystery?

"I have many enemies."

I did not say that out loud!

"But your thoughts are loud."


"Come closer."


Her heart was steel but her wings were not and pushed her towards him on their own.


"Sit." The air turned heavier around her.

"I said stop."

Her legs gave out and her derrière landed on the pillow beside him.

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