Chapter 2. Eerie Chills.

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The locker room was still filled with a horde of students but she felt as if she was the only one there, along with the hard wall in front of her.

He looked at her, studying her with those sharp blue eyes, taking her in thoroughly from head to toe.

"Oh hello, do I know you?" She asked angrily and his left brow twitched.

Bad Lexi!

"What's your name?" He asked, ignoring her question and she glared at him.

Arggh!! Cocky much?!

"What do you want?" She asked, standing her guard and he smirked mischievously. Almost devilishly. "You."

"Sorry, Mr whatever I am not a thing." Lexi huffed out sarcastically. "Anything else apart from me, your highness?"

He shook his head with a dimpled smile that made her heart flutter but she didn't let her guard down and stared at him with blazing eyes.

"Ah Mr. Stone, I was waiting for you." She heard the principal's voice and she craned her neck to look at the principal with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I don't know which way to go so I was asking her." He said taking a step back and Lexi scowled at him.


"Miss Lexi." The principal smiled as he recognized the top student of the school and Lexi sighed.

"Yes, sir."

"Can you ask Silvester to come talk with me in my office during lunch break?"

Lexi's brows furrowed.

"Uh...yes. Yes, sir."

"And Mr. Stone, if you'd follow me." The principal said and he nodded at him, while Lexi saw this an opportunity to run.

"Hey wait." She ignored him and ran towards her class muttering unintelligent words under her breath.

'Sorry, Dad.'

She hurriedly entered her class and took the empty seat beside Silvester since Zoe was sitting on the front with Sebastian.

"Did you perchance know about principal wanting to talk about your grades?" Lexi asked and Silvester grinned.

"I may have taken the highest notch of my knowledge."

Lexi sighed.


It was lunch time now and Silvester had to meet the principal. But why did she have to sit through this? I am hungry. On that cue, her stomach growled loudly.

"I hate you, Silvester."

She muttered under her breath as she held her stomach in despair and waited for her brother to come out of the Principal's office.


She nodded and looked up at her bro"-you?!"

She cursed her luck as her eyes met the familiar dark blues. She had not seen him during the school periods that had gone by. There was no sign of him anywhere. It was like he had vanished into thin air and now he reappeared before her.

"Hi." He sat down on the empty chair beside her and she immediately scooted away, keeping a distance of chair between them.

"Do I look like a man-eater?"

"You never know." She pointed out in dismay and he chuckled.

"Whatever, little girl."

Her blue eyes blazed with fury. "I am not little."

"You never know."

She looked away with a huff.

"Here." He held out a box of sugary cookies infront of her face. "I don't like sweets. You can have it."

"I don't want to."

"Are you not hungry anymore?" He asked innocently and her stomach growled in affirmation before she could refuse.

She blushed. "Still don't want to."

He was about to reprimand her when his phone rang.

"Let us pick up from here after I am done, little girl." He picked up the call and walked over to the other end of the corridor.

She stuck her tongue out at his retreating form.

"Still don't want-" Her stomach growled and she pouted sadly. Still hungry.

Her eyes fell on the cookies in the pretty see-through box and her heart wavered slightly. Want to. Don't want to. Want to. Don't want to. Her stomach growled and she gave in.

She nearly moaned as she took a bite of the cookie. She was on the last cookie when the door to the principal's office was opened.

"Finally!" Silvester grunted and looked at her sister. "Let-What are you eating?"


"I want one too."

"They are all gone." She shook the empty box and he sighed.

"Were they delicious?"

She nodded. Tasty. She may even be infatuated with the taste.

"I am even more hungry now." He moaned pitifully as he pulled out a tissue from his pocket and wiped the remnants of the sugar from the corner of her lips.

"I'll let you eat my favorite candy."

His ears perked up happily. "You can't back out now."

"I won't." She promised with a smile and he watched.


"Why did the principal call you?" Sebastian asked Silvester as soon as they entered the class.

"I'll tell you later."

Sebastian nodded

Silence descended over class as the teacher entered the class but it turned into a dreamy sigh as a boy followed her and Lexi looked away.

"Class, this is Adrian Stone. He is our new transfer student so I hope you will help him adjust to our school." The teacher said softly, looking at the class with sweet seriousness.

The happy murmurs of the girls and cursed glares of the boys including Sebastian and Silvester charged the air with eerie awkwardness.

But Lexi's contribution was the odd one out. Her cheeks had flamed red and she couldn't figure out if it was the irritation or something else.

"You two better stay away from him," Sebastian warned Lexi, who seemed to have dulled senses and couldn't seem to listen to anything and Zoe, who was too busy staring.

"You felt it too?" Silvester asked in a low voice and Sebastian nodded still glaring at the new enrollment.

Silvester being the angel, coming from the clouds of heaven and Sebastian being the fallen angel, coming from the pits of hell felt something inhumanely eerie aura lingering in the air.

But then it had disappeared like it was not even there a second ago, which was even more suspicious and strange.

Lexi still had that weird look on her face and it deepened as he took the seat behind her ignoring the glares of the two brothers who were still trying to figure him out.

Lexi could feel his stare on her and she froze in her seat as she felt his lips near her ear.

"Did you like the cookies?"


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