Chapter 10. Luci for Lucifer?

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Saturday came before anyone knew it and Lexi was still thinking about him and his question.

Will you go to Ryan's party with me?

Regina was still on her means glaring at her but every time either Sebastian or Silvester or Zoe or Ryan or Adrian was in the same class as hers so she kept quiet.

Lexi could clearly feel her master move that she's making to humiliate her, so she herself backed out and refused Adrian but the man was stubborn to back down.

"Will you go to Ryan's party with me?"

"I can't." Lexi paused and he raised an eyebrow at her in question.


"Just Because."


"Because I am skipping the party." She looked away from his intense stare and his anger flared.

He was going to kill that bitch. How dare she hurt his butterfly?

"Lexi, don't worry. I will not let her hurt you."

"Lexi." She was snapped back into the reality by Zoe's voice.

"Coming." She refreshed her lip gloss and stashed it in her handbag along with other necessities.

Sebastian and Silvester didn't like the idea of Lexi going with Adrian.
Lots of issues.

So, Adrian had made a pact with them: he would show up at their house and then they all would show up at the party together.

Well, of course they had to agree now. Moreover, it's the party thrown by fallen angel so *ahem* no harm would befall Lexi.

Lexi looked at her reflection for the last time in the mirror and sighed. Her dress was vibrant blue reached her knees. The sleeves are netted white with flower borders and her blue hand bag slung over her shoulder and rested on her hip. She paired the dress with pearl earrings and matching white sandals.

Honk honk..

This made her realize how late she was and she hurried down the stairs and walked out of the house.

"Sorry, I am late." Lexi muttered apologetically and received forgiving smiles.

Sebastian was wearing dark denim jeans and black shirt while Silvester has taken up a cute nerdy look with glasses on his nose and all black outfit.

Zoe was wearing a strapless red cocktail dress that flared at the end and reached her knees from front and came longer from behind, a silver belt around her waist. Her hairs were tied up in a dancer bun and her red heels made her look taller.

A black Ferrari drifted to a stop in front of them and Adrian step out of the car hurriedly.

"Sorry I am late, actually I just lost track of time and-" He cuts himself off as his blue eyes fell on Lexi and his eyes took in her appearance.

"Shall we go?" Zoe smiled mischievously and Adrian pulled the nape of his leather jacket that he was wearing over white tee and blue denim jeans.

"Silvester, you go with them." Sebastian said and Silvester's mouth curled up in a sly smile.

"And miss the amazing chemistry, no way." Silvester made himself comfortable in the back seat and Zoe blushed.

"Silvester, can't you act mature for once?" Sebastian asked glaring at him and Silvester smirked.

"And what you'll do on the way there, is mature?" Silvester wiggled his eyebrows at the two playfully and Adrian chuckled.

"Fine." Sebastian glared at Silvester before turning his attention to the two. "You two better stay behind us."

"Aw Sebastian, don't be mad." Silvester said in girly voice as Sebastian mumbled curses under hus breath.

"Ignore them." Lexi said to Adrian who chuckled and open the door for her.

"Awe, Lexi don't spoil the fun." Silvester giggled brightly, only to receive a smack on the back of his head.

"Ow.... my hair."

"Freaking five year old." Sebastian muttered as he started the car.

Adrian presseed the red button and his car roared to life. They turned on the main road and Adrian casually leaned back on the leather chair.

"So, hi." She failed to start a conversation and he chuckled.

"Hello to you too, butterfly." He said while taking a turn and she blushed at the nickname.

"Butterfly?" She was curious and he smile, glancing at him.

"You don't like it?"

"No." She said too hurriedly and frowned at how desperate she sounded. "I mean, I do like it but why butterfly."

"You are small-"

"Hey." She pouted childishly and he chuckled.

"So, yeah you're small, fragile, carefree, innocent and," He pause to think of the word.

"And?" She asked tentatively and he seemed to ponder over it.

"And you have two guards to follow you around." He said teasingly and she giggled.

"Yeah, they act like child sometime."

"Always." He corrected her and she shook her head immediately.

"O'God no, you have not seen the anger they have trapped within." Lexi said and Adrian sighed.

"Looks like I am the next target." He said and she opened her mouth to retort but stopped as her phone ringed.

Love, always comes as a surprise.
You don't need to close your eyes.
'Cause soon you'll recognize.
Its colors...

She answered the call.

"Lexi, where are you?" Sebastian asked tightly and she sighed.

"With Satan." She answered sarcastically and Adrian chuckled as he stopped the car in front of Ryan's house.

"Lexi." Sebastian warned and Lexi stifled a giggle.

"You want to talk to him?" She asked with a tentative pressure on him and Sebastian sighed.

"We are outside, stop worrying." She muttered as she didn't receive any reply and stepped out of the car with Adrian.

"Come fast and don't mention him. I still have burns on my ass." Sebastian said with a scowl and Lexi giggled.

"I dare you to say it in front of Uncle Luci." Lexi said with a triumphant smirk and Adrian froze.

Luci? Why does it sound familiar?


Satan? Luci? Lucifer?

How did she fix the sarcastic trail of Satan with Lucifer? He looked at the girl in front of him and tried to look through her.

Who are you?

She looked at him as if sensing his stare and smiled at him, before scowling in the phone.

"Hey. Don't talk about Uncle Luci like that." She scowled yet again and Adrian is beyond shocked.

And Uncle? He closed his eyes as the tall proud King's face appeared in front of him and he pinched the bridge of his nose in dismay.

Why doesn't it fit? Should it fit?


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