Chapter 4. Lingering Suspicions.

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Adrian was now frustrated. It's been a week now but still, there was not a single clue of her.

But instead, he was having a prime time of his life, thanks to those girls, no, extremely gracious girls and he felt like he was backing away from his beauty with each night wasted with those flees.


He frowned as the queen bee blocked his way but managed to hide his irritation.

"Hey, handsome!" She purred as she leaned over to place a kiss on his cheek, blowing the mint of her toothpaste in his face.

Nope. It didn't turn him on.

But just one melodic laugh from across the hallway, opposite to him did turn him on.


"Silvester put me down." Lexi was laughing so hard that Adrian had to blink several times to decipher what's going on.

There over Silvester's shoulder was his darling little sister who was trying to figure out a way to escape.

Nope, not from the glares she was receiving from the jealous girls but from the grown man who happened to be her brother and trailing them were the smiling lovebirds.

"Not until you say you're a pig and I am the most amazing person you've ever met."

"Ok." Lexi took in a deep breath as if to steady herself over the lane of lie and Adrian crossed his arms over his chest waiting for a good show.

"You're a pig and I am the most amazing person you've ever met."

The laughter of the students echoed in the hallway and Silvester immediately turned red in embarrassment.

"Lexi." He growled and Lexi kept an innocent face at his outburst.


Adrian cocked his head to the side in contemplation and smirked.
Evil, I like it.

"Lexi!" Silvester glared at her sister, who in return, smiled at him slyly.

"Yeah. Yeah. I love you too, bro."

Adrian's eyes widened at her choice of words and he walked towards her completely ignoring the high and mighty queen bee who was now fuming with anger. This girl!

Thump! Silvester let her fall on the ground and Lexi winced, making everyone laugh again.

"Oh, you are so dead, Silvester." Lexi unleashed at him like a beast and Silvester screamed like a girl as Lexi chased him down the corridor before disappearing into the next.

But no one was aware of the conflicting thoughts brewing inside Adrian.

Is she-?

No, no.

This is not possible.

She is human.


Lexi was sitting in her mathematics class all alone. Silvester and Sebastian had football sessions after lunch so they were excused from the class, while Zoe was held back in the preparations of the booth, her dance club would be setting up on the upcoming lantern festival.

Whispers filled the classroom as the door opened to reveal the mysterious man and his icy blue eyes immediately settled on her, before zoning on the empty seat beside her.

Her eyes widened as he approached the empty seat and sat down beside her.

He closed his eyes and his mind wandered off to the feisty red-haired girl with those beautiful inhumanely green eyes that have a spark of mischief in them and those pouting pink lips on her doll face.


So fucking beautiful.

Handsome! She blinked distracted and sighed as she opened her textbook to divert her attention from the handsome human but it fails as queen bee and her minions filled the desks close to her. Oops sorry, closer to Adrian.

She gulped nervously, keeping her facade and scooted closer to Adrian which seemed to anger the queen bee even more.

This girl!

As if feeling the tension, Adrian opened his eyes to find Lexi just a breath away and that seemed to spark something impossible in him. Care?

"Is something wrong?" He asked, causing the Lexi to jump up in fright to his amusement and looked up at him in daze causing a grin to appear on his face.

That's when she realized he had asked something and he chuckles as he noticed the rosy hue on her cheeks.

"I asked if there is any problem?" He asked and Lexi shook her head with a nervous smile.

"You sure?" He asked and she nodded slowly, while nervously glancing at the queen bee from the corner of her eyes.

Adrian followed her line of sight and frowned as it fell on Regina. He stood up from his seat with his bag in his hand to Regina's happiness and Lexi's horror.

Please don't go. Lexi chanted mentally and as if he read her mind, his steps turned ove and reached her desk from another side.

"Shift." It was not a request. Lexi hurriedly scooted and dumped herself in the seat in which Adrian was sitting a minute ago.

He sat down beside her and passed her textbooks back to her with a smile and she blushed.

Adrian relaxed his arm over the length of her chair while other hung loosely on his side.

He could feel her tense even more and before he could speak, the teacher Mr. Brunt took his grand entry.

"Lexi." She held onto her legs tightly as she heard him say her name for the first time.

It was worth everything.


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