Chapter 18. Sealed with a Kiss.

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Everyone turned to look at Sebastian and Zoe as they pulled up to the doorstep and stopped beside them.

"What are you doing here?" Sebastian asked confused as he shifted the groceries to his other arm. "Weren't we meeting on the field later in the evening?"

"I was busy locating this moron." Adrian gestured towards Ryan in fake anger. "We had to reach an hour earlier."

"You could have asked me."

"Well you told me you were not at your home." Adrian smiled. It's a lie. Where is she?

"Ah! Sorry I was not clear enough."

"It's fine." Anything to see my butterfly.

"Should we leave now?" Ryan marched forward and out of the house. No wait! Zoe stopped him and Adrian breathed in relief. Where are you, Lexi?

"Are you leaving like this?" Zoe pointed at Ryan's gothic pajamas with distaste. "Atleast wear some decent pants."

Ryan scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Right. Give me a minute. I'll change out of them."

"Take two and have a shower while you are at it. You stink, loser." Caleb mocked after Ryan as he rushed inside the house.

"Please join us inside, Adrian." Adrian nodded his thanks and followed them inside. While Sebastian rushed to the kitchen with groceries, he followed Zoe to the living room. Gosh, it was a mess of teenager hormones.

The sofas was a bundle of blankets and Silvester was buried under one of them, deep in sleep and a controller in his hand, the multiplayer game paused on the screen and carpeted floor was a mess of wires and snacks.

"Sorry about these children." Zoe carefully took the controller from Silvester's hand, ignoring the protest of the twins and placed it in the mess of wires. "Please sit wherever you like."

His phone rang.

"Sorry." He hurriedly pulled out the phone, put it on silent and glanced at the caller id. "Just a second. I need to take this." Adrian walked out of the living room and closed the door behind him.


What is up with this commotion? Lexi yawned as she stepped down the stairs and paused. "Huh?" No. No. She must still be sleeping. How can Adrian be here- she blinked but the apparition in front of her eyes didn't disappear.


The handsome man stiffened and pulled his phone away from his ear to look at her from over his shoulder.

"I'll call you back later." He hung up on the other person and stuffed the phone back in his pocket before turning to face her fully.

"Lexi." He was in front of her within a blink of the eye. "Are you feeling alright?" His hand touched her forehead carefully. "You do not have a fever anymore." His hand brushed her cheek gently. "I am glad."

Lexi smiled. "It went away last night."

"I am sorry I couldn't come earlier."

Lexi shook her head. "It's fine."

"How about a kiss to make up?"

"Adrian!" Her cheeks flared.

"Come here." The hand that rested on her cheek drew back and held the back of her head. "Let me take away your illness."

"I am not sick of you yet."

"You-" Adrian glared at Lexi and pinched her cheeks in punishment. "No kisses for you anymore."

Lexi smiled innocently. "Why?"

Adrian huffed. "I didn't like your pajamas."

"But it is so pretty." Lexi played bluff. "I especially liked its color." The color that matched his deep blue eyes and Adrian sighed.

"Where is my shy butterfly? Give her back to me."

"I am here." She closed the gap between them and hugged him tightly.

"Why are you looking for me, mister?" Her cheek came to rest on his heart as she looked up at him from under her eyes and even if he didn't want to, a smile broke through his lips.

"Lexi. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Huh?" This came out of nowhere.

Adrian snickered at her flushed face. "There you are, my butterfly."

"T-that I-I was surprised." Lexi took in a deep breath. "But I would like to answer th-"

"No." Adrian interjected. "Do not answer that yet..."

"Why?!" Lexi exclaimed unhappily.

"...not until you are sure..."

"But I am sure."

"Lexi, how much do you know about me?"

Lexi paused and looked at him in ponder.

"Em? You are rich. You own a mansion and drive a sports car"

"And what about my likes, dislikes?"

"You like me." Lexi fluttered her eyelashes mischievously and Adrian chuckled.

"Yes and?"

"You dislike that guy- what was his name- Drace and dislike the other one a little less."

"Acceptable and?"

"You prefer meat over vegetables."

Adrian looked at her in surprise. "How do you know that?"

"I know everything."

"No, you don't. You saw what others saw, Lexi." Adrian placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. "I want you to know everything about me. After that, I'll accept whatever you want."

"What's the final limit?"

"Our graduation day." Things would be clear by then.

"That's so far." Lexi complained.

"It's just six months. Let's go on lots of dates before then."


"Shall we seal the deal, then?"

"Promise?" Lexi held out her pinky for the deal and he smiled.

"Not like this. But like this-"

He kissed her.


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