Chapter 1. Stranger Danger.

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It was finally the senior year and Lexi could not be anymore happier than she already was. She couldn't believe how fast the time flew away but the senior year was not the only reason for her happiness.

Only one year and she could finally see her father. Oh how much she misses him!

Lexi sighed dreamily as she made her way to her locker and put in the code.
No one knew what's hidden behind those blue eyes of hers.

Everyone knew her as the average straight A student, who was neither nerdy nor popular. But no one did have enough guts to bully her, curtsy of two grown muscular men who follow her around like her bodyguards.

Her protective brothers.

Let's change that.

Her overprotective brothers.

Silvester and Sebastian.

They chased boys away like they were diseases attacking a beautiful flower, known as Lexi. Girls kept their distance from her in jealousy and the one who ever did talk to her was purely due to the teenage hormones they have for her two brothers.

She raked her hands through her black hairs and closed the locker after taking out the books, she needed for her lectures.

Blue eyes, black hairs, and her father's three words.

Be the unknown.


She turned just in time to see her bestie ran past her in dazzling speed that she forgot to apply brakes.


Lexi giggled as Zoe walked back to her with her frizzly state, her blonde hairs everywhere due to the run. The streaks of red and orange stuck out in an odd mixture in her hairs defining her sharp and quirky nature.

"So, did you hear?" Zoe asked excitedly as she raked her hands through her hairs in an attempt to fix the untamed curls and Lexi's brows raised questionably.


The blonde's eyes turned dreamy.

"A hottie is enrolled in our school."

"So what? Do you want me to stand at the door and sing him a welcome song, while you shower him with flowers?" Lexi asked sarcastically and she walked past her and towards her class.

Zoe rolled her eyes at Lexi and followed her.

"Lexi, that guy is hot."

"And you know my brothers." Lexi rolled her eyes at Zoe and Zoe rolled her eyes right back at Lexi. They both looked at each other in dismay and burst out laughing.

"Lexi." A voice called out from behind and she paused in her step before turning to face the caller.

"Hi, Jack." Lexi smiled at the blonde boy, she recognized from her Chemistry class and Jack smiled back at her.

"Hi, Lexi, Zoe!"

Zoe smiled. "Hi! What's up?"

"Nothing!! I just wanted to return this." Jack shuffled through the books in his hands and pulled out a notebook which she recognized as the one he borrowed from her, for the notes since he was absent a day before yesterday.

"Thank you so much, Lexi," Jack said as he handed her notebook back and Lexi smiled at him.

"It's nothing, Jack."

"I will see you in class." He glanced around nervously for any sign of the famous brothers and Zoe giggled.

"Relax Jack, they won't eat you," Zoe remarked mischievously and Jack smiled dubiously.

"I seriously doubt that." He said with a hint of fear in his voice and froze as a hand came to rest on his shoulder.

"Are you talking about us?"

"Hi, Silvester. Hi Sebastian." Zoe acknowledged the two blonde brothers cheerfully, her brown eyes lingering on Sebastian for a longer moment.

"Hi, Zoe," Silvester replied back with a smile, that caused every girl in the corridor to swoon but Sebastian kept his hard gaze on Jack.


"Relax Sebastian, he is just returning my notes," Levi said and Silvester squeezed Jack's shoulder making him wince in surprise.

"Yeah Sebastian, he looks nice."

"If you say so," Sebastian said and Jack outstretched his hand for Silvester to take since he was the nicer one and he didn't have the guts to address Sebastian.

"I am Jack Winters."

"Yo bro." Silvester being the playful one pulled him in a bone-crushing hug, instead of taking his outstretched hand.

Lexi giggled mischievously as Sebastian walked over to put his arm around Zoe's waist rather casually and pulled her close.

"Well, we are getting late for class."

Lexi cleared her throat interrupting the two boys and Silvester immediately released the poor boy.

Jack took in a huge breath of air and practically ran for his life, after giving them a wavering smile.

"We should go to our class," Silvester said seriously and Lexi rolled her eyes at how his demeanor changed at the name of classes.

"You go on ahead without me. I will just dump the extra weight and meet you in the class," Lexi said but before she could take a step further, Sebastian stopped her.

"Be careful." He murmured as if she was going in the forest that had the mythical creatures of the night.

For dad's sake, someone tell him I am not in the Underworld.

Lexi sighed as she made her way to her locker and typed in the code, before opening the locker. She placed her chemistry notes in the locker and was about to close it when a cold shiver ran down her spine.

"What was that?" She murmured to herself as she closed the locker and turned to look for the source of this inhumanely dark and eerie feeling, only to bump into a hard wall.

The impact caused her to hit her back in the locker and her hands planted firmly beside her on the lockers.

'What is a wall doing behind me?'

She looked up to glare at the supposedly wall but her breath hitched in her throat as her eyes meet his dark blue eyes gazing deep into her as if trying to look into her soul.


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