Chapter 11. Party Time.

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Lucifer? The Proud King?


What the fuck is happening here?

"Ok fine, we are coming." She scowled at her brother over phone and hanged up unhappily. She looked at him to find him gazing up at the stars and Lexi walked towards him.

"Adrian?" She put her hand on his shoulder and he tensed a bit, before looking at her with those sharp blue eyes.

Who are you?

"Are you ok, Adrian?" She asked tentatively and he tilted his head silently observing her.


"You sure?" She asked and he hummed, and pushed himself from the car.

"Let's go before your brothers strangle me." He said playfully nodding towards the door and she nodded with a smile but frowned at the change of his sudden demeanour.

"Adrian, you are changing the subject." Lexi whined like a 5 year old and he chuckled before walking towards his butterfly.

"It's a party Lexi, why spoil the mood?" He said and then offered his hand for her to take. "So, shall we?"

She intertwined her hands with his and together they walked towards the door, ready to spend the night to the fullest.

Adrian could use the dark witch's spell but it would take another year to concot it again and if he used it on Lexi and failed, then he would not be able to find Alexandra until the deadline is over.

... it will be too late.

And he certainly didn't want that so he kept the lingering suspicions aside. For now.


When they entered the house, Lexi saq the party of the fallen angel as any other typical 'teenager' party with typical loud blasting music and the smell of the alcohol passed around like soft drinks.

Lexi scrunched her nose at the repulsive sight of drunk teenagers and over-affectionate couples.

"This is so-" She paused, thinking of the word to fit in so Adrian started helping her up.




"No, ew." She frowned in discomfort and Adrian chuckled as he picked up two tequila shots and gave one to her.

"Life is short, darling so you should try to live in every moment."

Liar! Adrian's conscience mocked him. You are immortal.

But he was not the only target of the mocking.

If only you know who I am. She just stared at it while Adrian gulped it down in one go. She looked up at him and he gave her an encouraging smile.

She slowly raised the glass to her lips but it was snatched from her hand before she could down it like water.

"No alcohol for you, Alexis." Silvester downed it in her stead and Adrian sighed as Sebastian glareed at him before walking past them towards the bar.

Alexis. Adrian smiled at the achievement and immediately frowned. What the hell is happening here?

"I don't like him." Sebastian kept his glare on his retreating figure and Silvester winced as Lexi tugged at his ears painfully.

"Alexis, really?"

"Would you prefer Alexan-?" Silvester shut his mouth as everyone glared at him.


"Well, we have put your name as Alexis Taylor to avoid suspicions." Lexi let go of his ear at Sebastian's words and Zoe smiled encouragingly.

"It's party time!" She picked up the fruit beer and passed it to Lexi before picking up one for herself, while Sebastian and Silvester picked the shots for themselves.

Lexi didn't know what it was: those 5 shots he had downed or something but Sebastian's body language changed suddenly and he looked determined.

Very determined, that he held onto Zoe's right hand without and ignoring Zoe's surprise, he tugged her towards the dance floor.

Silvester held onto Lexi's hand and soon the dance floor was buzzing with laughters and everyone was dancing their heart out.

Lexi squealed as Silvester turned her sharply to change partners and she gasped as she knocked into the hard wall(she need to stop doing that), the familiar autumn scented perfume tickling her insides.

She fell her head back as a series of giggled erupt from her mouth as he turned her and the next moment, she was swinging herself like a pro, her hands messing with her hairs and Adrian was mesmerized.


He kept his hold on her waist and swinged her back, catching her off guard and she immediately woved her hands around his neck to steady herself.

He twirled her twice before bringing her back closer, faster as the music speedened and more cheers erupted from the crowd as they mingled in, couples separating and then they are dancing solo, heels clicking and stupid jumping, this turned out as difference in the normal hormonal teenager parties.

Everyone was having fun and then the music stopped which was followed by loud cheerful claps and shouts for DJ. Lexi and Zoe followed the teenagers stepping off the dance floor and they walked towards the kitchen for some refreshments.

"That was amazing." Lexi drawled cheerfully and Zoe giggled bobbing her head.

"I can still feel the vibes."

"Me too." Lexi pulled out the cans of soft drink from the double fridge and passed one to Zoe.

"Look who decided to show up?" Lexi removed the urge to hurl her cold drink at her and gulped it down.

Why waste the precious soft drink?

"So, you are finally done with your hideous crying?" Regina asked with a smirk and her minions giggled like maniacs.

"Are you finally done with exploring? We don't want to waste your precious time when you have so many tasks to do, now do we?" Zoe asked with a fake smile and Lexi coughed trying to control her laughter.

"You bitch...." Regina glared at her but Zoe shoved it back to her.

"Oh, Isn't it the part of your copyright?" She asked, faking apology and Lexi giggled. "I can't take it, so sorry-"

"-Not" Zoe snorted in very unladylike manner and Regina glared at her before charging at her with her claws but her hand was caught mid-air.

"Now now, we don't to break those nails of yours, do we?" Silvester glared at her, throwing her back with a force that her minions had to prevent her ungracious fall.

"Silvester-" Lexi was cut off by the growl that bubbled from his throat.

"Leave before I cut you into pieces and feed it to my goldfish." He snarled at Regina who jumped in fright before running away from there with her minions in tow.

"Wait a second," Zoe gained their attention and then narrowed her eyes at Silvester. "Since when did you have a goldfish?"


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