Chapter 6. Queen Bee's Warning.

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Next day came before anyone knew it and everyone was talking about the party which was thrown by popular jock Ryan Foster this Saturday.

Sebastian and Silvester were going because Ryan was just another fallen angel who protected Lexi from the shadows. Lexi and Zoe were also added to the invitation.

No one knows that Ryan was a fallen angel but a football player, the reason football team including Sebastian and Silvester were invited as well as the new captain Adrian Stone, the cheerleaders including Regina and her minions and the school populars including Ryan's friends.

Lexi was about to close her locker when a hand slammed it shut, trapping her wrist.

"You're not going to this party," Regina's eyes flamed dangerously and Lexi looked at her anxiously.


"You heard her, you little shit." One of her minions pushed her shoulder further against the locker and Lexi winced.

"And-" Regina pressed more on the locker and Lexi hissed in pain as her legs gave up. "-stay away from Adrian, he is mine."

Then they were gone, leaving her broken on the floor like some fragile doll and she sobbed quietly. Why? What did I do?

Fortunate for her, there were only a few students in the corridor who observeed this and she curled herself up in a ball against her locker.

"Lexi." Her head shot up at the familiar voice and Ryan frowned as he took in her wretched condition.

"Hey, what's wrong darling?" Ryan engulfed her in his arms and Lexi immediately whimpered.

"Why? Why?"

She pushed him afraid and got up from the floor. Before Ryan had a chance to confront her, she ran out of the school premises ignoring the pleas of her another brother.

"Lexi stop, Lexi!" Ryan ran after her but she ignored him and ran towards the parking lot. She wanted to get away from everything.

She took a turn and bumped into someone, knocking her off her trajectory but an arm immediately held onto her waist to prevent her from taking a fall.

Lexi's eyes widened as she took in the familiar autumn touched scent of his perfume and Adrian glared daggers at Ryan.

"What the f*ck did you do?"

"F*ck, are you serious?" Ryan glared back at him, ready to unleash his powers at him. "She was crying in the corridor but before I could ask what happened she ran out of the school. And about your accusation, she is my cousin and I will never hurt her."

Adrian was well aware of his soaked shirt but this was not his concern for now. "Lexi?"

She didn't say anything so Ryan tried up next. "Please tell me what's the wrong baby girl."

No answer.

"Did Sebastian scold you?"

No answer.

"Did Silvester tease you?"

No answer.

Ryan sighed in frustration at her quietness while Adrian was busy trying to figure out what happened to her wrist. Ryan knew if the rogue had hurt her, then there would have been terror right now and she would not be missing a crown on the top of her head.

"Ryan, I think she should not attend the school today," Adrian looked at Lexi with an unknown emotion in his blue eyes and Ryan looked at Lexi for a moment before he nodded his agreement.

Adrian unlocked the door of his black BMW and buckled Lexi in. He closed the door softly and turned to look at Ryan, who was looking at Lexi with concern.

"I think you should inform them." Adrian said, gaining his attention and Ryan nodded as he watched Adrian open the driver's door.

She just stared out of the window blankly as the car gives a loud roar before coming to life and they were off.

Adrian didn't ask for her address but she had a gut feeling that he already knew where it was. But the road he was taking certainly doesn't go to her house and she tensed a bit as he took a turn in an abandoned lane.

"It's a shortcut."

That didn't help at all!!! Because she clearly didn't know where they were going.

What if he was planning something bad? Lexi glanced nervously at Adrian whose focus was clearly on road.

What if he tried to hurt me? Or worse? Lexi glanced nervously at him again but this time he caught onto her gaze. He raised an eyebrow at her questionably and she looked down at her hands nervously.

"I am not that bad Lexi."

It didn't help at all again. She was still hung onto her thoughts.

What are you, a mind reader? She tried to keep her thoughts to herself to check the truth in her question but frowned at her stupidity, he is a human.

They finally got out of the abandoned lane with another turn and took up the busy road which became scarce with another turn.

As he took another turn, she gasped as she took in the house in view, scratch that, it's not a house. It's a freaking castle.

Wow! Words are not enough to describe the beauty of the castle in front of her.


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