Chapter 15. The Wing of Life.

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The angels, the fallens and the fairies spent the rest of the day sleeping and the afternoon playing dumb charades with scores levelled between angels and fallens with fairies on the top of leaderboard.

It was 5 pm in the digital clock when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Lexi stood up from the sofa and opened the door for their visitor. A beautiful brown haired girl stood on their porch with wide smile.

"Cara!" Lexi shrieked as she hugged Princess of Faeron. While the fairies worked with the angels, faes are the beauty of the Underworld.

Lexi pulled back to stare at her friend's beautiful brown eyes. "I missed you so much."

Her eyes turned yellow with yearning. "I missed you too. Alex."

"I am so happy."

"I am so happy too." Her eyes turned bright green.

"Is this going to continue for long?" The reunited best friends stared at the audience piled up behind them.

"When did you guys come?"

"You were taking too long so we came to find you." Zoe answered for everyone and ushered the fae princess inside with a smile.

"Why the sudden visit? And, where is your protective beast?" Lexi asked as she handed her a glass of water and sat down beside her on the sofa.

"Leon had to meet someone." Her cheeks turned as pink as her eyes as she picked at her bracelet. "He will pick me up later."

Lexi grinned mischievously. "Of course."

"Anyway," Cara shook her head to return back to the present and her big brown eyes stared back at Lexi. "I need your help urgently in making a healing potion."

"Are you alright?"

"I-I am alright. It's not for me. L-Leon's brother was gravelly injured while protecting me." She sniffled softly. "I did what I could do with my healing ability but even if it kept him stable, it was barely enough."

"He'll be alright." Lexi consoled her with a warm hug. "Tell me how can I help."

Cara hesitated for a bit but she blurted out the truth. "I need the dust from your wing of life."

"I don't know. I-It's near to impossible to break dad's enchantment."

"I can do it but only for a few minutes but it is not the best." Cara quoted her thoughts and looked at Lexi. "You will be half dead by the time I'll be done."

"I can take it." Lexi promised her affirmation and Cara nodded with tears.

"There is one more problem." Ryan added from the background and looked at Lexi gravely. "Lord of Darkness can trace her."

Her best friend's eyes turned violet with sadness.

Lexi interlinked her hands together.

"I have a plan."


Two cars pulled out of Ryan's garage and drove in opposite direction.

The car with the fairies including Cara and Silvester stopped at the abandoned church at the border of the city and the car with fallens drove into the forest on the opposite side of church and stopped in front of the cementry. Edward and Caleb stayed at the house to avoid unnecessary suspicion.

"We dropped the vial. The banished flames will rise in two minutes." Sebastian murmured from the other side of the phone as the ground cracked between the headstones and the fallens hurried towards the car. "You'll start when I finish the countdown with you."

Zoe motioned for both of them to get ready and Cara's wings sprouted free. Fairies have two butterfly wings, larger and studier to brave the winds of heaven. But Faes have four wings, smaller and agile. The two extra wings sprouted from the same blade and helped them maneuver through the forests.

And the princess of Fae have the wings dipped in the prettiest shade of pink as she circled around the earthen pot singing praises to The God to give her strength. And also to forgive her insolence for breaking his enchantment.

"Count with me, Zoe." Sebastian started the countdown as they drove towards the abandoned church.

10 9 8... 3 2 1


Cara sprinkled something golden over Lexi as soon as Zoe gave the affirmation and the parity froze as a burst of energy rose to her heart before letting out a shrill scream of pain.

A tear escaped from her left eye as she felt her wings try to break free. Another heart jerking scream escaped her lips as she felt her wings cut through her dress and sprouted free. One, the sign of life and other, the omen of death.

A white barrier lifted her up in the air, trying to stop her transition as soon as her hairs dyed themselves red and as she blinked her green eyes to keep herself awake, Cara signaled Zoe to get ready to collect the magic dust of wing of life.

"Just a little more."

The Parity held herself until her hairs braided themselves, a tiara of white and black pearls nestled itself in her hair and Cara got what she needed, before fainting and Savior Silvester caught her before she could hit the ground.

A car skidded to halt outside the boundary of church just as Cara added life to the potion and chanted the final spell. Sebastian and Ryan broke through the gate just as the bubbling potion settled to be light green in color.

"Done?" Ryan asked and Cara's eyes flashed green as she nodded.

"Then we better get the hell out of here before the banished flames disappear and," Sebastian warned. "otherwise consequences will be perilous."


On the other side at the cementry, as soon as the ground parted banished flames visible only to the dark entities rose to the sky and there was an abrupt change in surroundings as the banished gathered around to heed the call.

They bowed as a cloaked man manifested out of the flames and glared at everyone. "Who brought the banished flames here without my permission?"

There was an abrupt silence.

"No one did?" The man with darkness questioned angrily. "Then where the f*ck did they come from?"

"We don't know, Sire." Hayes answered nervously.

"Of course you morons don't know if someone have tricked you." As soon as he said that, the banished flames vanished in thin air and his army blinked in confusion.

His blue eyes widened under the cloak as he sensed the life and death fighting and followed it to an abandoned church to see one wilted rose and another fully bloomed rose at fairy wings distance.


As if every mystery solved, he chuckled.

"You cheated and," He raked his hands through his hairs and glanced at the roses. "left a present to appease me."

"But there will be no next time," He waved his hands and disappeared with the flowers. "my dear Alexandra."


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