Chapter 7. The Lead Lies.

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Lexi gasped as she took in the layout of the huge house in front of her as they entered the canopy of flowers over the driveway that had unlit lamps hanging from the roof.

The giant mansion stood proudly among the lush green lawns and Adrian took a round about the fountain and stopped the car in front of the steps.

She followed Adrian out of the car and twirled around in delight. "Wow."

"Come on." He said putting his arms around her waist and guiding her dazed form towards the house because she was too dazed to move from there.

Lexi gasped as she took in the modern lounge, the stairs going up the side onto other floors and another right turn to the kitchen and dining room.

The clinking voices of utensils were coming from the kitchen, the voice of vacuum cleaners could be heard from the other rooms.

Two maids descended down the stairs with a laundary basket in their hands, giggling like teenagers but stopped noticing Adrian and bowed in respect, before they walked past him.

One of the girls smiled at her and she smiled back. Adrian ushered her up the stairs and she gasped as she looked aroun the lavicious mansion.

"What is this, a castle?" She asked and he chuckled seeing the dazed glint in her eyes.


She rolled her eyes at his playful tone and her next words shook him to the core. "So, what did that make you, a king?"

She was too busy admiring the decor that she didn't see the effect of her words on him but he recovered back from her playful guess. But, damn it hit the spot.

"Yeah, maybe." He smiled but she missed the look of admiration on his face, maybe due to the fact that she had read him like an open book.

"Yeah yeah." She rolled her eyes at him and he chuckled and usherd her towards the top floor.


She pouted as he walked her towards the set of double doors, not stopping by to look at any other room on the floor.

He ushered her in and she curiously took in the big room, the grey sheets draped over the king-sized bed and his large portrait hanging on the wall behind it. A dark wooden dresser sat at the other side facing the bed with outlines of his facial products in small shelved space beside the mirror.

One of the doors on either side of it, which she recognized as a bathroom and other as a closet. Opposite it is the big windows that gave the view of the scenery ahead.

Lexi heard the click of the lock and she gasped as she was turned around to face him. He pulled her to his chest and she blushed as her nose brushed his chest.

Adrian held out her injured hand in a fair warning.

"Who did this?" Her eyes widened at the sight of her now, bruised wrist and she immediately hid it behind her back.

"I slipped in the bathroom in the morning."

Lies. Her face could tell it all and Adrian lips curled up in a frown.

"On your hand?"

She tensed but managed a feeble nod and he sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

Stubborn human girl.

"Lexi." He cuts himself off as his phone rang in his pocket and scowled as 'Drace' flashed on the screen.

"Drace." There was a hint of distaste in his voice and Lexi's ears perked up at the familiar name.

"It's Hayes." The voice on the other side said and he sighed in relief.

"Good. I don't wish to talk to that moron."

There were snickers on the other side and even Lexi smiled slightly.

"So?" Adrian drawled, not wanting to speak her name in front of Lexi and Hayes sighed.

"We have a lead."

"Alright," Adrian said and then looked at Lexi who is busy looking outside the window.

"We passed by the school to tell you but you were not there so we are outside your house, Sire." Hayes explained and Adrian nodded.

"I am coming downstairs." His words earned her attention and he disconnected the call.

"Stay here," Adrian said and Lexi just watched him leave the room.

Lexi breathed in relief as the his intimidating aura disappeared with him and stretched lazily.

She sat down on the bed bored as she waited for him to return but the softness of the bed reached her before him and she unconsciously laid down on the bed.

His autumn touched smell tickled her nostrils and she found herself drifting off to a peaceful sleep.


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