Chapter 14. The Twin Trouble.

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Adrian's gaze lingered on the disappearing car and he sighed.

"We have not been able to trace the angels." A voice reported from behind Adrian and his hands clenched in a fist. "The location was a bluff, to-"

"Drace." Adrian's sharp voice cut through the air causing the three bulky man shivered and certainly not in a good way. "You better come with good news next time or-" you'd be dead.

A deep warning lingered in his voice and Drace gulped audibly before nodding at him. Adrian's blue irises lit up with hellish flames darker than the moonless night as soon as his servants disappeared.

The black smoke enveloped him entirely and the moment he teleported at his place, he was no longer the 17 year old teenager instead a man with darkness in every part of him. Instead of the beautiful house stood a shadowed castle hidden with dark trees.

The scared amber eyes watched the man in cloak in fear and the painful howls of the trapped spirits were heard as he took a step towards the castle.

The owls cried out in pain, hiding in the shades of trees under the watchful eyes of the predator. The wild plants bloomed out of the colorful flowers destroying every magical aura. His sharp blue eyes swirled with the hints of black in them and his devilish laugh echoed around overlapping the other noises.

Hide wherever you want to hide Alexandra, because once I find you, you'll be mine.



It was Monday and after Silvester's threat and Adrian's warning, Regina had kept her distance that is she was being Anti-Regina in Silvester's terms.

Well, no one was complaining.

"So you guys up for the next match?" Ryan asked as he dumped himself on their table, distracting Lexi from her cupcakes, Zoe and Sebastian from their flirting and most importantly Silvester from his books and he fist pumped the air excitedly, his books long forgotten.

"I'm going to kick their unwanted asses!" Silvester yelled gaining attention and Lexi shushed him slightly but froze as something familiar caught her eye.

"When is the match?" Zoe asked and Lexi looked at Ryan who shrugged casually.

"I don't know. The coach was keeping suspense." Ryan said, raising his hand ready to attack Lexi's cupcakes but Lexi slapped his hand away with a scowl.

"Go bring your own." Lexi picked up a cupcake and practically devoured it in front of a drooling Ryan and everyone laughed as Ryan scowled at Lexi finished the treat.

"It's alright baby," Silvester cooed as if trying to shush a crying baby and raised his arm in front of Ryan's mouth. "-you can eat me."

Ryan slapped his arm away and huffed as everyone laugh but this time once again Lexi's eyes again caught familiarity but she pretended to not notice it.

But seizing the chance as soon as she felt it again, she caught two spying pairs of amber eyes which widened as they realized they were caught.

"I'll just come back." Lexi stood up from her place and walked towards the blue haired twins, The mischievous Caleb and the sharp eyed Edward, the eyes from the table following her.

"Sh*t!" Sebastian cursed as his eyes fell on the twin trouble while Ryan's jaw dropped on the floor.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Silvester asked the question bubbling inside Ryan's brain and Sebastian glared at him.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" He growled at him and Zoe sighed, putting her hand on Sebastian's shoulder to calm him down.

"Sebas, it's not time for the argument." Zoe looped her arm through his and he took in a deep breath to calm his horns down.


"Guys, they are leaving." Silvester informed them and they turned to look around for Lexi only to find the twins walking out of the cafeteria door, following Lexi.

That's their cue to follow them.


"Caleb, Edward, what are you two doing here?" Lexi asked once they were in the middle of football field and away from watchful eyes.

"We missed you." They said in unison and hugged Lexi who gave in their warm touch.

"I missed you too, my dear cousins."

"Don't change the subject." Came Sebastian's stern voice and they sighed.

"We can't sit in the-" Caleb paused and look around for any eavesdropping ears before completing. "-heaven when Alexandra is not safe."

"It's Lexi!" Lexi said sternly and Edward smacked him on the back of his head.

"I specifically told you to call her Lexi." Edward said sharply, curtly, precise to the point.

"Yeah whatever." Caleb muttered with a casual shrug and Sebastian motioned him to continue.

"Plus, there was one angel and two fallens, such a mismatch." Edward said, fixing up the strand of hair falling in his eyes.

"Well hello, I am here too." Zoe pulled in her presence and Edward's gaze snapped to her in an instant. But the moment he opened his mouth to speak, Caleb put his words in between.

"Well darling, I am here to take care of little cute fairies." Caleb winked at Zoe causing Sebastian to growl at him warningly and put his arm protectively around her while the little fairy blushed.

"What did the old man say?" Ryan asked with a slight tilt of his head and Edward sighed.

"Gabe said the more the merrier."

As expected!

"Anyways," Sebastian butted in cheerfully and hug the blue haired twins. "-welcome to human world."

"Can't breathe." The twins gasped simultaneously at the sudden pressure on their chest and Sebastian pulled a overly 'cheerful' Silvester off them.

"Urghvnshist." Edward coughed out incoherent words while Caleb hit out on his chest to restart the oxygen supply. As if it was necessary.

"How is he?" Lexi asked Edward nervously and received a sad smile.

"Truth, I have never seen him this helpless before." Edward said and Lexi's eyes blazed a sad light green away from their eyes.

"How is Lucifer and Gabriel faring so far?" Ryan asked softly and Edward and Caleb sighed simultaneously.

"He had vanished from the Banished World and they think, no they were sure that he had come down here to take her himself." Edward nodded towards Lexi but frowned as he didn't receive any snarky comment.

"Lexi?" She snapped herself out of her thoughts and looked at Edward with a forced smile. "Yeah?"

Are you ok?

"Let's ditch!" Silvester suggested instantaneously before Edward could word out his doubt and everyone stared at him as if he had grown two heads.

"What the fuck man, are you ill?" Caleb asked and Silvester shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"Guess, I need a break."

"Yeah me too." Zoe nodded stretching her arms above her head and Sebastian glanced at Lexi from the corner of his eyes before giving his affirmation.

"Well, it's settled then. We go home and sleep." Edward said and Caleb fist pumped the air.

"...and then party!!"


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