Chapter 13. Night Night Butterfly.

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When they left Ryan's mansion, the clock strucked 12 and Lexi playing the role of Cinderella was in the hurry of going back home but not because her real facade would show up but because she wanted the comfort of her warm bedroom.

In simple words, she was sleepy. Sebastian and Zoe had gone to fetch their car while Silvester stayed behind with Lexi, supporting her sleepy form and listening to music still in full sane state as if he wasn't there when they were dancing or playing.

Lexi sighed as she snuggled closer to him and her depth showed his face and she unconciously smiled as it wandered to the kiss.

Her first kiss.

"Hey Silvester!" Ryan's voice brought her back to present and Silvester turned slightly to look at him, his hold on her intact.


"I need your help." Ryan said a little hesitantly and Silvester raised his eyebrow at him as his eyes wandered to Lexi. "So, can you come with me?"

Silvester glanced at Lexi and then at Ryan hesitantly. ""

"Hey Ryan!" They turned to look at him and Ryan crossed his arms over his chest.


Rude much? Adrian rolled his eyes at him and raised up an envelope. "You dropped this."

"Oh." Ryan took the envelope from his hand and nodded appreciatively at him. "Thanks man."

Adrian nodded and turned on his heels to leave but a hand on his arm stopped him. He looked at the hand and raised an eyebrow at the owner questionably.

"Adrian, Ryan needs my help with something so can you watch over Lexi?" Adrian looked at Lexi's half conscious state and nodded.


"Thanks man." Silvester smiled before holding out Lexi's arm giving him her left hand to take. "Here."

Adrian stared at the hand and slowly held onto her hand, a responsibility, her. His hand skidded up her arm and Silvester slowly unwound her other arm from his waist.

Adrian's left hand curled around her waist and pulled her back in his chest. Her blue eyes stared up at him sleepily and as soon as her eyelashes fluttered, they dropped down heavily on her and she lost conciousness.

"Take care of her." Silvester kissed her forehead and then disappeared with Ryan into the lounge. Adrian sighed and looked down at her, his hand holding her face to his chest to keep her comfortable.

"Adrian." A groan escaped his lips as he heard her mumble his name in his sleep. Major turn on. Vulnerability.

"Adrian." He cursed under his breath as he heard that bitch's voice from behind him. Major turn off.

He turned on his heels to look at her and Regina scowled at the sight of Lexi. "What is she doing here?"


"What do you want, Regina?" His voice held sinister calmness as if he took offence in disturbing his sweet time with his butterfly.

"Adrian darling, let's go to my place and have fun." Regina batted her eyelashes at him playfully and he sighed. "Our fun."

"No." It held the firmness that means it was non negotiable and Regina scowled at the unconcious girl in his arms.

"Is it because of this girl?" Regina muttered with disgust and Adrian pinched the bridge of his nose to calm himself. "We can just put her on the couch or something."


"What?" Regina was taken aback by the harshness in his voice and he glared at her.

"You just don't give up, do you? I said no which certainly means no."

"Adrian, Why are you saying this? I like you a lot." Regina's eyes welled up and he sighed.

"Look Regina, I don't like you." His gaze snapped to his butterfly and he kissed her forehead. It made Regina's heart to stop at the tenderness of it.

"I like her and if I found out that you've hurt my butterfly again," He paused, his eyes held warning and Regina gulped. "-trust me you don't want to know what I can do to you."

"Adrian, I-I-"

"Leave." He snapped at her and she nodded in defeat before walking away from her. Adrian sighed as he watched her walk away but she paused and turned to glare at him.

"You'll regret this."

Adrian ignored her words and picked Lexi up in his arms, before walking away from there.


Sebastian was waiting outside for Adrian while Zoe was already asleep in the passenger's seat. Silvester had decided to stay overnight to help Ryan up with something. His ears perked up as he heard footsteps and turned to see Adrian coming towards him with his sleeping sister.

Sebastian opened the back door for him as he approached their car and Adrian crouched under the hood.

He helped her sleeping state onto the warm leather and took her lips in a chaste kiss, before he backed away.

'Sleep tight, butterfly.'

"Thanks man." Sebastian added.

Adrian shoved his hands in his pant pockets and nodded, before turning on his heels to walk away.

"Adrian." Sebastian called out and Adrian paused in his steps.

"Lexi likes you." Adrian immediately turned around to look at him and Sebastian smiled tightly. "A lot."

Adrian glanced at the sleeping silhouette of Lexi through the window of the car and Sebastian sighed.

"Don't hurt her."


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