1. Learning

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"Hello, Sugiwasa Hospital."

"Oh, this is Itadori. I just called earlier."

"Yes. Yes."

"I'm sorry to keep calling. But how is my grandpa doing ?"

"Huh ? I thought they already told you."

"Oh, please hold on. I'll go ask myself."

The nurse got up and walked to Itadori's grandpa room.

"Itadori-san never use his call button."

"It's actually scary that he doesn't."

"Itadori-san, you have a phone call ! Yuuji-kun's asking if you want him to bring any-"



"What ? What's going on ?"

"You heard him, what club are you in, Yuuji-kun ?"

Yuji made an annoyed face.

"I heard. I'll come by tomorrow evening."


Footsteps, dogs and sirens could be heard.

A boy, around 175cm with black hair and dark blue eyes stopped.

"They're keeping a cursed object in a place like this ? Could they be any dumber ?"

He said before walking to the stevenson, pausing when he noticed the half opened door before opening it completely, leaning forward and staring blankly at the empty stevenson screen.

before shaking it around, looking everywhere, opening and closing the doors again as if the cursed object would magically appear.


"There's nothing in here."

"Huh ?"

"The Stevenson screen's empty."

"For real ? That's hilarious ! Maybe it took a nighttime stroll.."

"I'll punch you."

"Well, no going home until it's recovered, 'kay ?"

The unknown person ended the call.

The black haired boy had an annoyed look on his face as he put his phone down.

"I'm seriously going to punch him next time."

, , ,

I hope my brother's okay.

You thought as you entered the hospital, you noticed a salmon haired boy, he seemed around your age but you just stayed to the side, waiting for your turn.

"Well this is my first time dealing with this so it doesn't feel real yet.."

You glanced at him, feeling sorry for his loss.

Poor guy.. I hope it won't hurt him too badly..

As you walked up to a nurse, some footsteps caught your attention.

"Itadori Yuji and Y/N L/N, right ?"

You stared at the black haired boy, blinking in confusion as your eyebrows furrowed.

How does he know my name..?

"I'm Fushiguro from Jujutsu Tech. I'd like to have a word with you two. Now."

The three of you walked to a quieter spot an awkward silence between the three of you as everyone exchanged glances.

The salmon haired boy spoke up.

"Um, i'm in mourning right now."

You decided to also speak up.

"I was supposed to go visit my big brother.."

You turned toward the salmon haired boy with a empathic expression, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry for your loss, Itadori."

Yuji felt thankful for your kindness, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Thank you."

Fushiguro frowned, annoyed before speaking up.

"Are the loverbirds done ? This is important."

Yuji blinked and felt his cheeks flushing while you looked away awkwardly.

"The cursed object you possess is very dangerous. Hand it over to me now."

"Cursed object ?"

You and Yuji said in unison.

Cursed objects..actually exist ?

Fushiguro took his phone out and you looked at the picture of something that seemed scealed up.


Yuji leaned closer as you watched the two talk.

"Oh, yeah, yeah ! I found that. I don't mind either way, but my upperclassmen took a liking to it."

He said as he leaned back on the couch behind him.

You stayed quiet, silently wondering why you've been dragged here.

Yuji tilted his head.

"What do you mean by dangerous ?"

Fushiguro looked back at his phone.

"The number of unexplained deaths and missing persons within Japan exceeds 10,000 a year on average. Most of those are the result of curses."

Yuji laid down on the couch, looking at you and raising an eyebrow, as if asking if you understood what Fushiguro said.

"Curses ?"

Yeah no I don't get it either.

You looked back at Fushiguro, tilting your head as he spoke up.

"I don't care if you believe in them or not. They're real."

You looked back and forth between Itadori and Fushiguro.

Uwah, the difference between them is almost comical..

"I'll go on. Large pools of negative energy form especially easily in schools hospitals, and so on. Hardship, regret, shame... The negative emotions of mankind become the source of curses."


You sweatdropped a little before frowning. This seemed very serious but you were still wondering why you had to get dragged here if Fushiguro's focusing on Itadori only.

"That's why most schools secretly keep a cursed object such as a protective talisman. The object you found is one of them."

Itadori raised his hand,

"If it's protecting us, shouldn't we be grateful for it ?'

Fushiguro slightly glared at Itadori before speaking again.

"Let me finish,"

, , ,

The three of you ran all the way back to school, you frowned, deep in thoughts as you got closer to the school.

I hope brother's okay.

Why am I here again ?

Too tired for this, wanna sleep..

Itadori yelped and took a step back, almost bumping into you.

"Itadori ?"

"Sorry L/N, it's just.."

He looked back at the school.

"What is this pressure..?"

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