17. School problems

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"...Are you saying we'd get in the way, Nanamin ?"

Itadori and you stood opposite to Nanami who leaned on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

You noticed Itadori's hand bawling up into a fist at his side and placed a hand on his back, patting the spot gently.

"You're injured, aren't you ?"


Cutting Itadori off, you took a step foward as your own hands balwed up into fists.

"Please take us with you next time."

"I know that you- you treat us like kids because we're younger but please, we're worri-"

"Stop it, you can't."

Now getting cut off by Nanami, said man lifted his head up slightly with a frown as he looked to the side.

"As you two already know, this patchwork cursed spirit uses transfigured people..."

"..there are some people who are beyond saving. If you continue this work, there will come a time when you're forced to kill a person yourself."

You breath almost audibly hitched at that, hands bawling into fists and turning paler from how hard you were clenching.

Biting down your lip hard, you tore your gaze away from Nanami, eyebrows furrowing as you tried to calm down.

I don't want to kill anyone..

Itadori seemed as equally lost and affected as you, his eyes swirling in sadness and confusion as he stared at Nanami with his mouth agap.

"But this is not that time."

Nanami breathed in and out, glancing back at the two of you.

"Please understand this, being young is not a sin."

He stared at the both of you for some seconds, adjusting his glasses before he turned to walk away.

"I would like to ask you two to continue monitoring Yoshino Junpei."

You silently watched, waiting until Nanami was out of sight before you opened your mouth to speak.


Getting cut off by the said boy, he suddenly embraced you, his arms tightening around your waist and his hands curling around the fabric of your uniform. Was he shaking..?

Gaze softening, you leaned into his embrace, placing a hand in his hair as you tried to comfort him.


"Yes, Yuji ?"

His muscles tensed at your voice, a small, barely audible sob escaping his throat as he held you tight, as if you'd vanish if he loosened his hold.

"Please, promise me that i'd never have to kill you."

"Why would...oh, Yuji.."

Feeling your heart breaking at the sight of tears rolling down his cheeks, you just nodded as he nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck, silently crying.

"It's okay, I promise you'll never have to kill me."

Itadori really hoped you would keep that promise.


"I'm going in, Nanamin."

Itadori talked to Nanami through the phone as you stayed to his side, nervously shifting from one feet to another.

DEMON-LIKE - YAN!JUJUTSU KAISENWhere stories live. Discover now