7. Closer

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"Don't push yourself. You're still recovering."

Waiting outside the building and sitting next to Megumi, you felt..bored, to say the least.


Letting out a hum, he looked up at you from where you were sitting.

"Why am I not..in here with them."

His pink lips curved up in a smile as he turned his head back toward the building.

"The one we're testing this time is Nobara."

"So..am I getting my own test after, then ?"

You looked down at Gojo and tilted your head, hearing him chuckle as he reached up to ruffle your hair affectionately.

"I guess we could say that. Now, now, you two, watch your two classmates correctly."

Some minutes passed and you started to doze off, only for Megumi to nudge your side gently.


Looking back at him and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you hummed.

"Remember on the rooftop of that school, when I was all bloody ?"

Knowing what he refered to, you could feel your body tense up and your breath hitch.

"Y..yeah ?"

"You seemed in a trance."


Not really knowing what to answer, you just looked to the side ashamed with scratching your cheek.

"Is it because of your demon side ?"

"Uh..I guess we could say that.."

Fidgeting with your fingers nervously, your eyebrows furrowed as you thought back about that moment.

You knew you had to control it somehow, just as always.

"Sorry if I..looked weird."

Megumi seemed surprised at your comment, hesitating before placing a hand on your shoulder and shaking his head.

"No, but I was curious for sure."

"What ? What happened ?"

Gojo leaned closer to you curiously, a grin on his face.

"Did Y/n-chan lose control ?"

"N-no !"

Quickly shaking your head, you glared at him.

"No, I was just..bothered by the blood."

You hissed out through gritted teeth, knowing that it was half a lie half the truth, hoping he'd understand how you explained it.

"Ahh, I see. Alright."

His lips curved up in a sly smile.

"Better control it before making a mess, right, Y/n-chan ?"


You felt ashamed at your lack of control at the sight of blood, bowing your head in shame as your hands curled around the fabric of your uniform's skirt.

Glancing up, your eyes widened and you quickly stood up, pointing at the fleeting curse.

"Look ! It's getting away !"

"I'll exorcise it."

"You two, hold on."

Both of you looked down at Gojo before nodding and sitting back down, trusting him.

DEMON-LIKE - YAN!JUJUTSU KAISENWhere stories live. Discover now