13. Nanami Kento

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"Answer me, Fushiguro."

"What kind of woman is your type ?"

Megumi flinched back, sweatdropping.

For some reasons, his mind couldn't help but wander back to your sweet, smiling face.

"Is this some kind of comedy routine..?"

Nobara placed a hand on her hip and looked to the side.

"L/N-chan is obviously my type, duh.."

She muttered under her breath, as if the question was directed to her.

"Is that your summer uniform ?"

Nobara tilted her head to the side and raised her eyebrows.

"Ticks me off but it's nice.."

"...I don't have a particular preference."

"As long as she has an unshakable character, or a sweet smile, I won't ask for more."

Mai placed a finger on her chin, staring at Megumi almost proudly before wondering.

'sweet smile...does he have someone in mind ? Ah, I wonder..'

Nobara raised a finger, closed her eyes and smiled.

"Not a bad answer. If you had said something like "big boobs", I'd have killed you.."

She then snapped her head toward Fushiguro as if she understood something.

"Wait— sweet smile ? Are you talking about L/—"

Megumi quickly placed a hand on her mouth, glaring at her while the two Kyoto student stared at the scene. One was amused and curious, the other seemed...disappointed.

"Shut up."

Tears rolled down Todo's cheeks.

"I knew it."

"You're boring, Fushiguro."

, , ,

Standing in the rain under Yuji's umbrella, the three of you looked up at the theater.

"It's a gruesome sight. Are you ready to witness it, Itadori-kun, L/n-chan ?"

Yuji squinted his eyes, eyebrows furrowing as he looked back in front of him.

You just nodded, letting out a meak "yes" as you followed along, entering the theater.

Seeing the blood-soaked seats made you squirm slightly as you glanced up to Nanami, trying to ease your mind.

He glanced back down at you, giving you a small nod of understanding of your condition before speaking up.

"Can you see it ?"

He then pointed to the exit.

"This is residual taint of cursed energy."

You nodded your head, pointing toward the residual as Yuji frowned.

"No, I can't see anything.."

"Try harder, Yuji-kun..?"

You said in an unsure tone as Nanami nodded.

"That's because you're not trying to see it. We typically see curses as if it's perfectly natural to."

"When a cursed technique is used, it leaves traced behind. That's what residuals are."

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