26. Unexpected

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How long has it been since you've been thrown in that empty and cold room ? You didn't know.

Your perception of time was twisted and disrupted since nothing in this room could help you decifer the time. No windows, no light except the small artificial light from the corridor that you could see peeking from under the door.

Your fear long turned into anger, a rage and frustration ready to lash out whenever the slightest noise was heard. It made you want to scratch and bang against the door like a wild animal trying to escape free, but you held back. For your safety.

You had to play it safe, of course. What if the slightest agression caused your death ? No, you didn't want to die. Not when you were so well-loved, your classmates, teacher, friends..

Every little step that you could hear coming from that damned corridor felt like it was mocking you and your lack of freedom.

And Muzan,

For some reason he stayed dormant, not even pestering you when you took a nap. It was silent, too silent. You wondered if something happened to him.

Did your body swallow him whole ? Were you not able to communicate with him again ? Was your demise oh so close that he decided to spend his last days giving you the silent treatment.

Scoffing at your own thoughts, your hands bawled up into fists, eyebrows furrowing as you glared at the door.

No, you couldn't always count on him for guiding you.

He was already helpful, explaining you how your equivalent of reverse cursed technique worked.

You heard footsteps again.

Bare footsteps, it was repetitive, as if mocking you.

Fuck ! Fuck ! Fuck !

You couldn't take it anymore, you felt a boiling rage spreading all over your body as you curled in a dark corner, eyes turning into slit as your fists trembled.

Incoherent dialogue was heard, good. It was that nature spirit, the one that survived hollow purple somehow.

You felt a heavy weight settle upon your shoulders, it was as if you've known all your life how to defeat that cursed spirit.

as the door creaked open, the nature cursed spirit peeking through, you waited until it looked the other way before bolting on your feet, taking some momentum by throwing your arm back before slicing through it's skin like butter.

Hanami screeched, it's voice wavering as it held onto it's bleeding arm, bolting back.

Too slow.

You were already back, face-to-face with the cursed spirit. Except his time you sliced your own arm open. Blood trickled from the open gashes, pouring down all over the cursed spirit as you flicked more droplets toward it with your blood-coated nails.

You bolted back once more as Hanami destroyed the ground to place a barrier of branches in between the two of you. Trying to gain some time to deal with it's wounds.

A voice resonated in your head. Feminine, soft and somehow familiar.

"Blood demon art, combustible blood."

You repeated that sentence under your breath, eyes wide and dazed before you heard it.

The flames busting into life, all over Hanami, that damned cursed spirit.

You heard it's screeches under the flames which slowly cremated it alive.

You heard footsteps, though. You guessed the screeches alerted the others and you tried bolting away, only for two gigantic and deformed hand to try and grab onto your legs.

A maniac giggle was heard from that patchwork curse, all while the stitched man stayed oddly quiet while staring down at Hanami's burned body. It would be hard to heal, thankfully, you weren't at your full potential and it was only your first use of this technique.


"What the fuck was that,"

You wheezed out, looking left and right in this damned corridor before slamming all your weight into a door, which lead back to the entrance of an abandoned hotel.

Grabbing onto your phone that thankfully stayed intact in your pocket, you barely had time to dial Gojo's number that-

"Y/N ?"

You stopped, a hand clutching on the fabric above your heart. Gasping and breathing heavily before looking behind your as droplets of sweat ran down your chin.

You swallowed down your saliva, your throat feeling a tad bit too dry for your liking.

"G-Gojo sen.."

As the adrenaline slowly wore off and out of your body, a wave of sudden fatigue coursed through you, which made you stumble and lose your footing if it wasn't for Gojo, that held you against him.

He was trembling.

His hold tightened around your limp form before he bent down slightly to wrap a hand under your thighs, lifting you up against his chest as he looked back to that damned place you came out of.

He could barely sense any residue, but he had sensed something else before, when he approached that place.

He wondered if it was your technique, your first use of this so-called blood demon art he's heard about by the higher-ups pestering him about it.

Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer. He, for once, was completely and utterly baffled by you.

In a way, it was..reassuring. He knew this wave of young sorcerers would surpass him, would be stronger. But seeing your fast progress, right here in front of his eyes, he couldn't be prouder.

He looked down at you, his tensed shoulders relaxing slightly before he shook his head and turned around, walking away from this place.

He'll just have to take a look later. Completely destroy this place.

A/N: i'm so sorry this chapter is shorter than the usual ones I just didn't know how to make it end! I promise the next ones will be longer 🙏🙏

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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