25. This might be hell.

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A looming silence overwhelmed you, eating and nibbling at your skin as goosebumps coursed through your body.

Itchyness. Discomfort. Fear.

Keep breathing,

You told yourself that, but you could feel the bile crawling up your throat, threatening to swallow you whole as your lip wobbled, taking in the sight in front of you.


If you could still call him that, of course.


Placing your hands in front of your mouth, you felt your own vomit dripping down in between your fingers and down your chin, splattering all over your hands as tears rolled down your eyes.

Taking a step back might have been a choice, but not when you could hear that familiar childish laughter, not when a man dressed in a monk attire, those stitches on his forehead that you remember well, that cunning smile.

You felt the patchwork curse hovering behind you, his hand around your throat but not quite touching the skin, challenging you to move, to end your own life, by your own actions.


His voice, gentle.

He dismissed the special-grade curses he used as if it was nothing, merely stepping over the bloody mess that was Inumaki.

"If you continue with getting on my nerves so, you might end like all those curses I consumed."

You wanted to die.

Death seemed better than whatever was happening right now.

The man with stitches peered down at you, placing a hand on your vomit coated chin as you froze completely, silent tears rolling down your cheeks, wide eyes staring back into his own but not quite there.

Muzan..Muzan..Muzan please, please help me.


Why won't you answer ?

"Hey, hey, now ! That's no fun !"

The patchwork curse smiled down at you cunningly, fingers twirling a strand of hair in mock-sympathy as he threw an arm around your shoulders.

"I don't think calling out to him would work, anyhow."

The dark-haired man with stitches answered, that same unsettling smile, unchanging as he closed his eyes and looked at the patchwork curse.

"We musn't tease her so, I fear we might break her too fast if we do."

Both of their gazes flickered back to you, the dark-haired man nudging your shoulder with his hand, waiting until you blinked, a sign that you focused back on what was happening.

"Now, i'm pretty sure that you aren't a dumb girl."

He stated, and you had to physically stop yourself from throwing up again when the patchwork curse pressed himself against you, nuzzling against your neck like an overgrown cat. Except that cat tried to kill you and your friends more than once.

"Good, good. Keep that expression on, it's perfect."

The patchwork curse purred against your ear, almost tempted to lick the skin but remembering the dark-haired man's words and stopping himself. Said man crossed his arms and spoke up once more.

"It's a simple deal, you come with us and we deliver him back to safety."

Your head was spinning, everything went so fast.

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