21. Reunion

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"Sorry for the wait !"

You could hear Gojo's muffled voice as he ran to the student, both of you squished together in the box as small giggles left your throats.

"Shh, shh, Yuji don't ruin the surprise !"

"H—Hey, not my fault you're almost tickling me !"

"Sorry !"

Taking a sharp turn, you almost yelped if it wasn't for Yuji to place his hand in front of your mouth.

You were about to thank him but quickly pulled his hand away after feeling the tip of Sukuna's tongue almost against your lips.

"Sukuna !"

Yuji whisper—yelled at his own hand, only for the mouth to grin back at him right before disappearing.

"Hey, I see everyone's together. I was on a business trip overseas. So I will now hand out souvenirs !"

After giving out the so called charms to the kyoto students, Gojo placed his hands back on the rolling box with a carefree smile.

"And for everyone from Tokyo, we have this !"

He pointed down at the box, lifting a leg as he grinned while the students watched in disappointment the actions of their teacher.

"Overly excited adults are creepy."

The box opened as both you and Yuji stood up, lifting your intertwined hands together and doing a peace sign.

"Hey ! OPP !"

"O—OPP !"

You copied him, giving the students an excited grin while he smiled widely.

"It's your departed friends, Itadori Yuji-kun, L/N Y/N-chan !"

But instead of smiles and tears, the two of you were met with faces of disbelief and disgust.

Staring back at Yuji, you could tell from the way his smile fell that he wasn't expecting this at all.

Slowly lowering your hand and letting go of him, you awkwardly walked out of the box, letting Gojo present the frozen Itadori to the Kyoto students.

"Students of Kyoto, this is Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuji-kun ! And the one who climbed off is Muzan's vessel— in a way—, L/N Y/N-chan !"

Standing there awkwardly, you froze in fear as the Tokyo student's gaze went to you.

"Uuh...I—I'm back ?"

Nobara bit down on her lip, her fist clenching at her side as she stepped toward you.

Cowering under her gaze, you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for a slap but only feeling her head fall against your shoulder.

"Y/n-chan, you're so— so dumb."


Patting her back, you let out a small yelp when she slapped your back, muttering how dumb you were over and over again while holding you close.

"Sukuna's and Muzan's vessels ?! What's the meaning of this...?!"

"Oh ?"

Gojo turned around to look at the principal, grinning and sending him a wave.

"Principal Gakuganji ! Oh, thank goodness.."

He walked toward the principal, shoving his hands in his pockets with a smirk and bending down in front of him.

"I was worried you might just die from the shock !"

"Ow, ow, ow ! S—stop hitting me, Megumi-kun, Nobara-chan !"

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