11. Sukuna needs attention

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Completely engrossed in the movie, you leaned closer to the screen as Yuji placed his arm around your shoulders, as equally interested as you.

Everything seemed fine until, you felt a bite on the nape of your neck.

"Ye-ouch !"

Flinching away, you quickly looked behind you just in time to see Sukuna's mouth grin on Yuji's arm before disappearing.

Yuji, understanding what happened, slapped his hand on top of Sukuna's mouth with wide eyes.

"Y-Y/N ! Oh my god, i'm so sorry-"

He parted your hair away with his hand, looking at the bite mark Sukuna left on the nape of your neck.

"I-I don't know why he did that, i'm so sorry-"

"T-This is.."

You trailed off, seemingly at loss of words as your eyebrows furrowed and your cheeks flushed as you touched the bite mark, even feeling some saliva on your fingers.

"W-Well, we should get ready for everything with Sukuna, I guess. Since he's the king of curses."

You mumbled, looking down at the saliva coating your hand with a frown, knowing the bite mark would last some hours or maybe even a day but maybe less if you slept.

"...Do I cut the red wire or the blue wire ?"

"You know, in the area where I used to live, the designated trash bags.."

"Hey, what are you going on about right now ?"

"...were red for plastic trash and blue for combustible trash."

You blinked, wiping off the saliva with some tissues and throwing it in the trash can.

You sat back on the couch with Yuji, his head on top of yours as you sat between his legs, both of you completely focused on the movie as he tried to not make contact with your skin so Sukuna wouldn't..interfere.

"I always thought, shouldn't it be the opposite ?"

"It should be red ! Anyone would go with red !"

"I'll trust you."

Your hold on the cursed plush tightened as you leaned closer to the tv.


Yuji brought the soda can up to his lips, sipping on the sugary drink while the intense scene of the movie reached it's peak.

But before he could react, he was violently punched off the couch by the cursed plush. Your eyes widened and as you were about to call out to him your own assigned cursed plush punched you in the nose as you yelped, placing your hands on top of your now bleeding nose.

"Oww !!"

Yuji choked on the drink before yelling.

"Don't do that while i'm drinking soda !"

"It hurts !!"

You cried out, reaching to grab some tissues to stop the bleeding.

"Don't drink it, then."

Gojo simply said, shrugging before walking to you, helping with your nosebleed.

"Here you go."

"T-Thank you, Gojo-sensei.."

Gojo's smile seemed to falter as he noticed something and he reached down, his hand wrapping around the nape of your neck as he brushed his thumb against the bite mark.

"Y/N-chan..who did this ?"


You seemed nervous to answer, so Yuji took it upon himself since he thought he was to blame.

"It was Sukuna..I wasn't paying attention and had my arm wrapped around her shoulders and he..well his mouth appeared on my arm and he bit down.."

Gojo let out a small hum, his hand lingering around your neck in slight wonder.

"Well, I guess we have to stay ready for the unexpected with Sukuna Ryomen."

"Get your hands off of her, sorcerer."

"Ahh !"

Yuji quickly slapped the mouth on his cheek and mumbled apologies before Sukuna reappeared on his hand.

"Don't try to stop me, brat."

He sneered before his mouth formed into a smirk against as he felt you looking at him.

"I marked her. She belongs to me. I'll need her for future plans, someone with Kibutsuji's blood is always..welcome."

And with that, he disappeared after a slight chuckle that made you shiver

Gojo's expression was unreadable as his gaze wandered back from the mouth on Yuji's cheek back to the bite mark on the nape of your neck.

"..It just seems like a regular bite mark, but i'm guessing he just wanted to give a visual of his possessiveness toward you ?"

You just looked down, visibly distraught but calming down when you felt Gojo's hand ruffling your hair.

"Well, don't worry your pretty little head about it. The mark will be gone soon, right ?"

He then turned to Yuji again as he made his way to the stairs

"Okay, I have some business to deal with. Just keep hanging in there. And Yuji, be careful around Y/N with Sukuna, we wouldn't want him to do that again, would we ?"

Yuji nodded before pouting, holding back the punching cursed plush with one hand as he looked back up at Gojo.

"Will this really make me stronger ?"

You nodded in agreement, a pout on your face as you held the plush in your hands, leaning your head backward to stop it from punching you.

"I'm getting annoyed of nosebleeds and punches."

Gojo tilted his head with a grin, turning around before stopping in front of the stairs.

"Oh, right. Did you talk to Sukuna while you were dead ?"

He turned back around to talk to Yuji. You blinked and looked at the boy, tilting your head.

"Talk ?"

"When he fixed your heart, did he propose any conditions or contracts ?"

"Oh, I think we did talk about something..."

Yuji looked down at the plush, a slight hint of confusion on his face.

"But I can't remember what it was.."

"I see."

"Is that..bad ?"

You asked, leaning back on the couch to look at Gojo with a worried expression.

He grinned, not answering your question and only giving the two of you a small wave before walking up the stairs.


Looking back at Yuji, you blinked in confusion as he was already staring at you.

"W..what's up, Itado-"


"Huh ?"

"Can you call me Yuji ?"

You tilted your head, eyes slightly widened in confusion.

"Huh ? Sure."

You grinned, sitting closer to Yuji.


Yuji's cheeks warmed up and he giggled, scratching his cheek with a bashful smile.

"Sounds nice coming from your mouth."

"Then, you can call me Y/n."


You smiled at him, reaching up to ruffle his hair.

"Yeah, you're right. My name does also sounds nice coming from your mouth, Yuji."

DEMON-LIKE - YAN!JUJUTSU KAISENWhere stories live. Discover now