20. Night

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You knew involving yourself in their world full of curses would be dangerous, but you didn't know that they would also show dangerous tendencies. It started off with small details; hands tightening around you, longing gazes or even then just craving your attention.

You always brushed it off as then being affectionate, or happy at the sight of a new face, a new sorcerer.

But it only happened to you.

Not Yuji, hell, not even Nobara. But they seemed to be acting the same as the others, infatuated by you.

You've always hated assuming things about people, only seeing the good in others and offering a helping hand, but would future you still think the same ?

Hell, you couldn't help but wonder if-

"Y/n-chan ?"

Gojo's voice.

It came from behind the door after a small knock, snapping you out of your dazed state. Since when have you been hyperaware of things around you like this ? Was Muzan's presence in the depth of your soul actually helping you in a way ?

Tiredly lifting yourself up from your bed, you stopped yourself in front of the door as Gojo knocked a second time.

He seemed..worried.

Taking in a deep breath, you shook your head slightly, cursing under your breath for overthinking. After all, you had no reasons to do so, right ?

Wrapping your hand around the door handle and tugging it down, you opened it slightly, peeking your head out and meeting Gojo's gaze.

His usual blindfold wasn't over his eyes, he was wearing more casual clothes. A black shirt which almost looked a little too tight and grey sweatpants.

"Y/n-chan, you're still awake.."

He trailed off, eyes travelling up and down your figure as a nervous shudder ran up your body.

"Oh, uhm..yes. I've been a bit troubled with, you know, coming back from the dead and all.."

It seemed like the joke did not work.

Gojo's stare hardened and you felt so small and powerless under his gaze, almost cowering as you looked away.

"..sorry, it's not funny."

"You've been taking too many risks, Y/n-chan."

He pushed the door open with his hand and entered inside your dorm room as you took a small step back.

"I-I didn't mean to, I swear !"

"I'm not saying you're doing it on purpose,"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair and you couldn't help but clench and unclench your fists anxiously, you had a bad feeling about this whole conversation.

"I-..yes, i'm sorry Gojo sensei, I swear i'll try to be more..careful ?"

He lowered his gaze to meet yours, just...staring.

"...Gojo sens-?"

"Ah, yes. Excuse me."

He coughed, looking to the side as he placed the back of his hand in front of his mouth. He breathed in and out before shoving his hands back in his pocket, taking a more relaxed stance as he looked down at you.

"I needed to scold you a bit, Yaga's words. But also Nanami's and mine's."

You have to listen, Y/n-chan. Wouldn't want me to actually lock you up now, would you ?

But then again..

Seeing you, all alone in a room for myself in the end of the days might be the best reward ever created for me.

Gojo's lips parted slightly as he lost himself in his thoughts, barely hearing the words of hurried apologies slipping out of your mouth as you bowed and stammered. So cute.

"Hey, it's okay ! As long as you understand that we're all just worried..not just us, the other students such as Yuji, Megumi and Nobara are, so please, for all of us, stay alive for now ?"

He grinned, tilting his head slightly as he reached down to gently untangle some knots in your hair with his fingers before letting his hand fall down to your cheek, just letting it rest against the skin.

This felt almost way too intimate for your liking, but...

His hand was warm, it was a nice feeling against your cheek, so you stayed quiet and looked up at him.

"Gojo sensei ?"

He seemed to blink out of whatever trance he was in, almost relunctantly taking his hand off of your cheek.

"Try to sleep, Y/n-chan. You'll be meeting your classmates again soon, wouldn't want you to pass out from the lack of sleep now, would we ?"

He joked to ease the tension, placing his palm against your back and turning you around to guide you to your bed.

"Good, good. You seem to have recovered quite quickly, standing on your two feet as if your insides weren't a bloody, mushed mess a few days ago."

He grinned, helping you as you sat back down on your bed and covered your legs with the covers.

"..thank you,"

"For what ?"

"Caring. Taking care of me.."

Stammering, you felt oddly shy under his gaze. You couldn't help but look away, feeling heat pooling in your cheeks.

"It's only normal to care about you, Y/n-chan."

He shifted closer to you, sitting on the edge of your bed and wrapping his arms a little too tight around you.

"You're my favorite, after all.."

He mused, burying his face in your hair as a comfortable silence fell between the two of you.

After a few moments of you two hugging, he let go of your frame, brushing some hair back and pressing his lips to your forehead.

"Sleep well, Y/n-chan."

Standing back up, after walking all the way back to the door, he looked back at your now sleeping figure, his half lidded eyes taking in the enticing sight.

Shit, the familiar tightening sensation in his pants was screaming at him to take care of it.

Quickly snapping out of it once again, he placed his hand in front of his mouth to muffle a groan before closing your door, his footstep slowly fading in the hallway. Surely, you didn't need to hear him taking care of his little problem in your dorm room for now.

A/n: it's mostly just a bonus interaction with Gojo because I like writing bonus things for fun !! To develop the depth of characters in the story and still make it fit in the fanfiction !! I'm hoping he's not too ooc but I know he will be a little because it's a yan fanfic. Hope you enjoyed the bonus chapter !

Ps: I also rewrote the love interest chapter and I updated it with newer characters that I forgot to add at first !!

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