18. Mahito

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"I don't know what your motive is. I'm sure you have a reason for doing this."

Crawling back inside through the broken window while Itadori talked, you silently stared at Junpei. You felt bad about punching him with Yuji..

"But is it really worth...throwing that life you have ?"

Junpei trembled, his head hanging low as he stayed on his knees silently.

"The human heart is a delusion ? Can you say that in front of her ?!"

You didn't want to interfere, letting Itadori talk for the two of you as your head hung low.

"...people don't have hearts."

"You're still-!"

"They don't !"

Junpei's sudden scream took both you and Itadori visibly aback as you two stared back at him with wide eyes.


Tears rolled down his cheeks and dripped down on the ground as he looked back up into your eyes.

"That would mean people cursed me and my mom with those hearts !"

"That would just be too much..."


You were at loss of words, wanting to reach out and comfort him but also knowing he wasn't in the right state of mind right now and that approaching him wasn't the brightest idea.

"I wouldn't know what is right...or what is wrong anymore..!"

His jellyfish shikigami appeared again as he sobbed, lifting his hand and pointing it toward the two of you.

Noone moved.

Both you and Itadori shared the same idea, taking the hit without moving nor blocking it.

You visibly winced, stumbling back a little as you glanced down where the shikigami's arm pierced.

"Why didn't you dodge it..?!"

Junpei's voice wavered, his eyes wide and confused as he glanced back and forth between the two of you. His shikigami disappeared, leaving gaping holes in you and Itadori's shoulder as he walked closer to Junpei.


"I said a lot of self-important stuff without understanding anything.."

You followed after Itadori, wincing again but still stepping foward, crouching next to him and in front of Junpei with a worried expression.

"Tell us what happened."

"We care about you, Junpei."

You added to Itadori's words, holding onto Junpei's hands.

"I swear we won't curse you anymore."

"So please..."

Both of you listened intently to Junpei as he explained the whole thing, eyes widening in horror and worry as he told you two about what happened to his mom.

"Y-your mom, she.."

"N-No way.."

"Junpei, i'm so sorry.."

You mumbled, embracing the boy as he clung tightly to you.

"Junpei, come to Jujutsu tech."

He stiffened slightly in your arms at Itadori's words, his eyes going wide at the offer.

"There are lots of crazy strong teachers and reliable friends there."

"If we all work together, i'm sure we can find whoever cursed your mom."

DEMON-LIKE - YAN!JUJUTSU KAISENWhere stories live. Discover now