23. Urges

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"Yuji, i'm curious."

You said, picking up a slice of that delicious warm pizza that was placed on Megumi's lap as the others chewed silently.

"Mmh ?"

Said boy looked up at you with an interested gaze as he swallowed the pizza.

"You know, I never asked in case something went wrong but...what happened to Junpei ?"

Yuji's eyes sparkled at that as he smiled while the other two just looked back at you.

"He's fine ! He should be enrolling here soon, actually. I've asked Gojo-sensei and he said even if his cursed technique was somewhat given with Mahito's..way, he should be able to get stronger and perfect his control over his shikigami like an actual sorcerer !"

You smiled up at the news, letting out a small sigh of relief, missing Megumi's frown and Nobara's pout before she latched onto you, burying her face in your chest.

"Y/nnn, are you trying to replace us ?"

Feeling flustered at her clingyness and tone, you patted her back with a bashful smile as you felt your cheeks burn up.

"N-No I swear ! I was just worried for him since we went against that curse..oh !"

You turned back to Yuji with wide, confused eyes.

"What happened, when I was out ? How did you guys win against it ?"

Yuji visibly froze, his words dying down at the back of his throat. He could hear Sukuna grin and cackle at the boy's reaction.

"Now, now. Go ahead. Go and tell her what I said."

"No way in hell, Sukuna."

The three of you looked back at Yuji worriedly, knowing how the curse often messed up with him in his own head.

"Is he bothering you ?"

Yuji just nodded, closing his eyes as his brows furrowed in concentration.

How was he supposed to tell all the things Sukuna promised to do to her when he got the control back over Yuji's body.

"You've touched and injured the only one I see as fit to take me whole and give me a good heir."

Sukuna's words that were said to Mahito echoed back in Yuji's head. He remembers that vividly. How was he supposed to forget ? Not when Sukuna would take every single opportunity to boast about it in Yuji's head whenever you were around.

Not when it had Mahito's eyes gleaming in such a way it filled his own body with rage.

Not when his body suddenly felt heavy as his temperature dropped, dry heaving and swallowing down his saliva because Sukuna tried his hardest to take control at the sight of you.

No. He'd never let Sukuna hurt you. He'd stay in control, he'll seal Sukuna in, get stronger and ever let him out again, for you. Only you.

Yuji's throat felt dry, too dry.

"Yuji ?"

Your sweet voice snapped him out of it, he could see the concern written all over your face as you changed side, sitting on the edge of the bed in front of him, your hands on his shoulders as his cheeks flushed, realising he was so zoned out he couldn't even hear you calling out to him.

"Are you okay ? Do you need a drink ? You went from being pale to completely red.."

Yuji could only nod dumbly, staring down at the ground as you left the room.

"Real smooth, Itadori."

Nobara scoffed, raising an eyebrow as she glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. Megumi stayed oddly quiet between the bickering before speaking up.

"I think...I think I like her."

A heavy silence settled in as they both looked back toward him. But something was off, it wasn't just surprise. It was surprise with some sort of hidden..animosity ? He could see the way Yuji's whole body tensed up while Nobara tried to hide her glare.

"...you like her too, don't you ?"

A heavy sigh left their throats as they nodded. Nobara huffed, eyebrows twitching while Yuji stiffened, trying his best to stay in control. It seemed like Sukuna did not like having competition.

"Well, it's not like I can stop you two from liking her, but just so you know.."

Nobara crossed her arms over her chest, gaze hardening as it flickered in between the two boys.

"I'm not giving up. She'll be with me."

Megumi rolled his eyes, finishing his pizza slice as he merely glanced at Nobara.

"You're too full of yourself, Kugisaki."

Nobara seemed offended, standing up quickly as she reached across the bed to grab a fistful of Megumi's shirt, which made him grunt. Yuji could only sigh, biting down on his lip. Hard.

"If anything...she'll be with me. She favors me."

A vein popped on Nobara's forehead as Megumi's eye twitched. They froze and turned stiffly to Yuji, speaking in unison.

"No, she's mine."

Yuji's fists clenched painfully, blood dripping from in between his fingers. He was about to grab Nobara's collar before the door opened once more, which made them all sit back down correctly.

Entering the room with a glass of water, your gaze flickered from in between the trio with a sigh.

"...I leave the room for two minutes and you three are at it again, seriously ?"

A defeated mumble left your lips as you gave Yuji his glass of water, taking your seat back next to Nobara.

"If it's complicated to explain in person, you can just text me in brief details what happened, what matters is that everyone's okay and you somehow won, right ?"

Yuji nodded stiffly before gulping down the water. You could feel a heavy tension in the room, so Nobara coughed and changed the subject.

"Anyway, Yuji, when did you get so buddy-buddy with that gorilla guy ?"

"Well, we got along, but like.."

He closed his eyes, placing a hand on his forehead as if he tried his best to remember something.

"I remember what happened, but I wasn't exactly myself then.."

"What, were you drunk ?"

"..getting drunk in the middle of a battlefield isn't smart, Itadori."

A visible vein popped out on Yuji's forehead at Megumi's snarky words. He held back his tongue at your giggling, thinking that it wasn't so bad if it made you laugh.

"Would you really believe I could've been drinking liquor in that situation..? I'm shocked."

"I mean, we never know.."

Yuji stared down at you with his mouth agap, letting out a whine as he placed a hand over his heart in a faux-hurt way.

"Y/N ! Not you too !"

Turning back to Megumi, all your gazes fell upon him as Yuji and you smiled while Nobara chewed on her pizza slice.

"But i'm glad you weren't seriously hurt, Fushiguro. You're able to eat pizza now, too."

Megumi frowned, a pout forming on his lips.

"Come on, bring me something easier to digest.."

A/N: I need u guys to know I love, love, love seeing all ur comments ^_^ they're so silly and funny !

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