19. Alive

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"Now, time for round two !"

Mahito's cheerful voice echoed in the school, clapping his hands together once as he ran toward Junpei.


Itadori's gaze shifted to your limp body, seeing the chunks of bloody thrown up mess next to your unconscious face. Were you dead ?

The pink haired boy walked toward you slowly, sinking to his knees next to you and carefully placing you against his chest. Your heartbeat was faint and weak, please, if the gods could hear him, please let her make it out alive.

His grip tightened around you, gritting his teeth as he called out to Sukuna.

"Sukuna...Sukuna !"

Sukuna's eye opened on his cheek, speaking up in a condescending tone.

"What ?"

Mahito looked back at Itadori, a mocking smirk on his face while Junpei quietly retreated in a classroom to treat his injuries.

"You can do anything you want with me ! So heal Y/n like you did when you restored my heart !"

Sukuna's mouth curved in a feral smirk, a chuckle escaping his throat before he answered.

"I refuse !"

"Damn you..."

Mahito's smile faltered as he stared curiously at the two of you, placing a hand on his chin.

"Oh ?"

Sukuna's loud, obnoxious and mocking laughter echoed in the empty hallways.

"How very amusing ! You'd offer up your pride, your future, your everything, to try to rely on me..And you can't save anything !"

Sukuna's voice filled with faux-sympathy before it turned into a condescending tone once more.

"Pathetic, you couldn't be more pathetic, brat !"

And before Itadori knew it, both curses laughed loudly at him as he held tight onto your barely living body, watching the colors and feeling the warmth slowly drain from your pitiful state.

Oh, that's right.

At the end of the day, these two are both..


His breaking point was feeling your head tilt back, completely limp as your pulse stopped.

"Oh, dead already ? Man, he's going to scold me.."

Mahito's barked out a laugh, looking down at your body as he wiped a tear away from his eye.

"I suppose I was kind of rough when messing around with her."

He let out a joyful sigh, tilting his head to the side.

"Guess that's how it goes."

Before feeling a fist collide against his cheek, throwing him back against the stairs as he stumbled a little before landing on his feet at the top of the stairs.

"Too bad, though. That won't work. So long as I maintain the shape of my-"

Blood dripped down his nose heavily as Mahito's eyes widened, looking down at the blood now pooling at his feet.

Mahito's lips twitched into a feral smile as he looked down at Itadori, wiping the blood away from his nose.

"You're aware...of the outline of your soul ?!"


That was the only word Mahito could use to describe how Itadori's demeanor changed.

DEMON-LIKE - YAN!JUJUTSU KAISENWhere stories live. Discover now