15. Junpei Yoshino

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"There he is,"

Ijichi slowed the car down, as Junpei walked in front of it, his back turned.

"Huh ? Casual clothes ?"

"Is he not at school ?"

Both you and Itadori pondered, heads tilted to the side as Ijichi sweatdropped.

"Yes, it looks like he hasn't attended school for some time."

"The same could be said for me and Y/N, though.."

You sweatdropped, letting out a small chuckle before also leaning next to Itadori, placing a hand on his arm.

"But our situation's way more different.."

Itadori nodded, agreeing as his gaze lingered on your face, flickering to your lips for a split second before he snapped out of it, looking back at Ijichi.

"So..are the others doing well ?"

"I hear they're doing quite well."

A smiled spread on your face, you couldn't help but think back at them and what they'd be doing right now.

You guessed Kugisaki could be taking care of herself, finally getting these clothes she talked to you about.

And for Fushiguro, you hoped he wouldn't be reckless in anyway and get hurt again..

You didn't seem to notice the eye half opened on Itadori's cheek while you zoned out, just silently staring at you intently.

"So, what do we do ?"

Blinking back to reality, you glanced at Itadori and then at Ijichi, as curious as him.

"Mhm, true, what are we supposed to do ?"

"We use that."

Glancing down at the passenger seat, both of you let out a small "huh ?" Before staring at the cursed spirits.


"Are those cursed spirits ?"

"It's a fly head, a low-level curse that doesn't even qualify as grade 4."

You nudged Itadori's shoulder, leaning in to whisper in his ear.

"D'you think we can keep one as a pet ?"

"Dunno if it's a good idea, Y/N.."

Ijichi sweatdropped, deciding to ignore the muttering between you and Itadori before continuing.

"Once we reach a place with no people, we'll have it attack him."

"Huh ?!"

Sensing Itadori's confusion, you placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled.*

"It's okay, Ijichi-san said that fly heads are low-level curses, and we're here in case it doesn't go well, right ?"

"Basically, yes. One; if he's a normal person who can't perceive curses, please save him."

"Two; if he can perceive it, but has no means to deal with it, likewise, please save him. Then we'll question him about the day of the incident."

"Three; if he exorcises the fly head with Jujutsu..we will immediately restrain him."

You blinked, glancing back at Itadori to make sure you two heard the same thing, holding back a giggle as he stared back as equally confused as you.

"...by force ?"

He asked, hesitantly.

"By force."

Ijichi answered, pushing his glasses up again and keeping that serious expression of his.

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