24. Higher-ups

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Gojo Satoru's shoes echoed against the floor, the long, dark corridor seemed to never end as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, fists clenching in barely accumulated and held-back rage.

These higher-ups won't last long.

All he remember from that meeting is how they tried to pressure him from giving up on you, because of the simple fact that you could go and walk under the sun, muttering and stuttering about how "none of the descendants remember how to build a demon-slaying katana, because the method had apparently slowly vanished from generations to generations." And how dangerous it could be if you spread demons all over the world again.

In and out, Satoru. Breathe in and out.

Closing his eyes for a second, he thought back about the end of the meeting, hearing the stammer in their voices as he held up his domain hand sign as a warning, pushing his protection over you even more.

"Touch her and i'll inflict my wrath upon every single one of you."

You didn't deserve that.

He tilted his head back, looking up at the sky as he ajusted his blindfold with a sigh.

Was this selfish ?

All those urges he had toward you ? He was still confused. What happened a few nights ago had his head spinning, he never felt that strongly about someone, not even..

God, he couldn't even mention him, no.

Shaking his head once more, he let his usual carefree smile appear on his face as you and Inumaki came into view.

"Good to see that you two are here on time !"

Frowning up at him as Inumaki tilted his head to the side in annoyance, you spoke up with a small huff.

"You're the one that's late, sensei."

"My apologies !"

He grinned, sticking his tongue out childishly before leaning down to wrap an arm over one of your and Inumaki's shoulders, his weight pressing up against the two of you.

"The higher-ups got me stuck in a boring meeting once more you know, your executions and all."

"Oh, right, me and Yuji.."

At your crestfallen expression, Gojo almost cooed at you, instead choosing to pinch you cheek while Inumaki stayed quiet.

"N'awww, don't make that face, Y/N. I persuaded them to push it back once more."

"But still..."

Changing the subject, Gojo explained in details how you and Inumaki had a mission assigned to both of you. Later explaining in a better way, quoting that you should learn from your upperclassmen and that Inumaki was a nice fit for the job, or else he would've asked you to go along with Yuta. His eyes gleamed under his blindfold when he saw your own gaze flicker back up to his curiously.

Oh ? Were you about to ask why you could come alongside him ? Were you going to pout ? Beg ? Latch onto him ? Shower him in compliments ?

"Who's Okkotsu Yuta ?"


Right, he may have gotten ahead of himself. You didn't know Yuta, it's not your fault that you're curious about your upperclassman..right.

"Well, I can show you a picture of him in his first year, if you'd like."

Grinning down at his phone, he opened the gallery, quickly putting his phone out of reach so you couldn't see all the pictures of you that should not be on his phone, until he found a picture of Yuta smiling bashfully up at the camera, messy black hair framing his face, dark eyes formed into crescent moons as a blush dusted his pale cheeks, eyebags visible but not messing up the boy's charm, his scarf wrapped snuggly around him.

"Here, this is him."

His hold on his phone tightened at your reaction however, when you gasped, cheeks dusting a pink-ish red color at the picture of Yuta.

"He's..cute. Why isn't he here ?"

"..he's in Africa right now, he is coming back soon, however. But know that it was last year, the boy changed."

Yuta was a peculiar individual. Satoru always knew he wasn't as sweet as he seemed to be, it was as if Rika's tendencies grew on him, swallowing him whole and never leaving his personality. He was just a good actor, good at hiding the truth.

Which is what worried him, what if Yuta's sweet demeanor lured you in, caging you in his suffocating hold without Satoru's knowledge ?


Inumaki's defeated voice snapped Gojo out of it as he looked back down at the two of you, noticing how your attention shifted back to Inumaki, which made Gojo put his phone back in his pocket.

"Right, I apologize for taking up so much of your time. Inumaki can tell you more about Yuta, they're close friends, right, Inumaki ?"

Said boy nodded, looking down at his phone and briefly showing Yuta's contact. It seemed like the two boys texted often, and it made you giggle to see the difference between Yuta's sweet messages and Inumaki's more..chaotic ones.

You supposed being forced to speak in ingredients led the boy to exaggerate his messages, which was cute, in a way.

Binding the two of you goodbye, Gojo reluctantly left your side after Inumaki decided to tug you alongside him by grabbing you sleeve, muttering a small "mustard leaf." With a huff, probably fed up with Gojo's overly excited energy, which drained all of yours.

"I get it, Inumaki."

A small laugh left his throat, his fingers reaching down to now wrap around your wrist as you both made your way to the train station.

"We're not getting a drive there ?"


"Right, assistants are too busy ?"

He nodded, glad that you could somewhat pick up on his words and intonations very quickly. He patted the seat next to him, closing his eyes to show that he was smiling under his turtleneck when you took the seat he offered.


You glanced at the boy and smiled, thanking him for offering the seat as the train started up again, moving as people squished with each others.

You drummed your fingers against your thigh mindlessly before slowly starting to doze off. The ride was an hour long, it won't be that bad if you take a small nap, right ?

You closed your eyes, barely feeling the hand on the side of your head pulling you closer, making you rest your head against his shoulder as you drifted off to sleep.

Inumaki, on the other hand, was estactic. He was looking down at you, wide eyes and cheeks flushed as his breath came in short pants. With a shaking hand, he opened his camera app and tilted his phone in the right angle to take a picture of your sleeping face.

Sending it to Yuta.

It was silent on the other side for a few minutes, before multiple messages popped up as Inumaki's phone vibrated.

"Is that the girl you talked about ? Y/N ?"

"She's cute, really cute, actually."

"Curled up against your side like that Inumaki, you're a lucky guy."

"Your idea about sharing doesn't seem that horrible, if i'm being honest. Do you think she'll be pretty in between us ?"

Inumaki's hold on his phone slightly tensed up, his mind flooding with what Yuta was explaining to him. Fuck.

"You're awfully slow to answer, Inumaki."

At Yuta's teasing words, Inumaki eyebrows furrowed as he buried his burning face in his turtleneck, biting down on the zipper nervously.

"I can't believe you're teasing me, Yuta."

He could almost see Yuta's lips quirk up at his own answer, holding back a groan when Yuta left him needy and almost desesperate with one last message.

"Better train that throat of yours to handle as much words as possible if you want to mold her to satisfy your urges. And don't forget about mine, of course."

Sly bastard.

DEMON-LIKE - YAN!JUJUTSU KAISENWhere stories live. Discover now