8. Juvenile Detention Center

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LOG: July 2018

West Tokyo City

Eishuu Juvenile Detention Center

In the sky above the exercise yard

Unnamed Apparition of Potential Special Grade

It's curse womb was witnessed by several non-jujutsu sorcerers.

Due to the emergency nature,

Three Jujutsu Tech first-years were dispatched to the scene,

One died.

Another one is in a coma-like state, between life and death.


If you encounter a special grade..your only options are to run or die.

Ijichi's words rang in your head which made your face change into one of fear and realization.

We really are..weak against curses.

Megumi opened the door, Yuji was next to him while you stood behind with Nobara.

"Let's go."

All of you ran inside for a short while. Megumi suddenly stopped and placed his outstretched arm in front of the three of you's.

"Wait !"

"Oh !"


You looked up in surprise and disbelief at the seemingly endless mass of deformed buildings inside.

"What's this..?"

"W-what's going on in here ?"

Yuji looked up before glancing back at you and tilting his head.*

"This is a two-story dorm, isn't it ?"

"Well..it's supposed to be ?"

You answered, visibly unsure as you looked around, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"C-Calm down !"

Nobara intervened, even though she was visibly uneasy, bringing her hands back up in front of her chest.

"It's a maisonette.."

"No it's not.."

Megumi seemed overwhelmed, eyes darting left and right to understand what was happening.

"Where's the door ?!"

He blinked and gasped, quickly looking back at where the door was supposed to be.

Nobara, Yuji and you stiffly looked back at the door, only to freeze at the sight of metal pipes bending all over the place.

"T-The door's gone !"

Nobara visibly panicked, pointing at where the door was supposed to be and looking back at Yuji and you.

"How ?! We just came in through here, didn't we ?!"

Yuji nodded.

"What do we do ?!"

"Ah, what do we do about this ?!"

You shifted from one feet to another nervously, glancing back and forth between your three classmates.

Megumi, who was the closest to you, placed his hand on your shoulder with a soft, calm look on his face.

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