5. Bonding and getting ready

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Your eyes lit up as you saw Megumi and you ran to him, holding his hands.

"Fushiguro ! You look way better !"

Megumi tensed up, looking down at your interwined hands, visibly blushing. He swallowed and nodded at you before his expression turned into one of annoyance at Yuji yelling his name.

"Fushiguro ! You look like you're doing well now !"

Itadori grinned as he stood next to you, glancing down at your interwined hands before looking back up at the annoyed Megumi.

"There were plenty of other empty rooms, weren't there ?"

He said, glaring at Gojo while he only smiled back at him, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pinching your cheek as you yelped in surprise before trying to pry his hand away with a whine of protest.

"But isn't livelier better ? I thought it'd be good for-"

"Gojo-sensei, don't annoy L/N too much. Classes and missions are enough."

Megumi cut him off, visibly frowning at him as Gojo grinned and held his hands up innocently.

"This was an unwelcome favor."

"But Gojo-sensei's right !"

You smiled, cutting Fushiguro off before nodding.

"I think it'll be good to be next to each others. It's not like we have things to hide, right ?"

"Or is Megumi worried about his privacy because a girl's next to his dorm room, hmm ?~"

Gojo teased, leaning closer to Megumi with a smirk.

"Is that it ? Is that-"

Megumi looked away and pushed his face away, ignoring the whines of protest from his teacher.


Yuji walked past you three, poking his head inside Megumi's dorm.

"Wohow, it's so organized~"

Yuji said as you walked closer, also peeking your head inside.

"Oh, oh ! You're right ! It is organized !"

'A dorm like this really fits him, honestly..'

Megumi grabbed your wrist and pulled you back from the door, placing his hand on your back to steady you.

"I just said you're unwelcome !"

He said with a small glare, slamming the door in Yuji's face as you sweatdropped.

"Is he okay..?"

Gojo clapped his hands, completely ignoring your question and smiling while Yuji held his cheek with a pout.

"Well ! It's all good ! More importantly, we're heading out tomorrow !"

"We're gonna go pick up the fourth first-year !"

Your eyes lit up and you smiled, bouncing on your feet as you pumped your fist up.

"Another classmate !"

You beamed as Gojo chuckled, ruffling your hair.

"Another classmate indeed !"

"Well ! I'll leave you now, go rest before tomorrow, okay ?"

He said, tilting his head with a grin before leaning down close to you, his hand still on your head.

"Right, Y/n ?"

You blinked and nodded.

"Mhm ! Have a nice rest Gojo-sensei !"

You three waved at him as he left before you turned toward the two boys, only to sweatdrop as Megumi was already halfway back in his room.

"Fushiguro ?!"

Both you and Yuji exclaimed, grabbing on his sleeve as he tsked.


You stopped tugging and rubbed the back of your neck as Yuji also stared curiously at your reaction.

"Well, I was gonna, uhm..propose a sleepover ? To get to know each others..."

Both of the boys stared at you before exchanging a glance and nodding.


"Sure !"

The morning came quickly, the three of you still asleep.

Legs tangling in each others, you were facing Yuji as you slept, one arm under your head and the other close to your face while Megumi's arms were around your waist, his face buried in the crook of your neck.

Megumi was the first one to wake up, groaning a little at the light, he blinked the sleepiness out of his blurry eyes before his cheeks exploded in red as he suddenly sat up, letting go of your waist.

'That's embarrassing...'

He placed a hand in front of his mouth, brows furrowing in confusion at his sudden flusteredness.

You stretched, slowly opening your eyes and yawning before also sitting up.

"Is it morning already ?"

"We...we woke up a little early, we have time to get ready."

He mumbled, hiding his face from you as you shook Yuji awake, letting out a yelp as he fell from the bed with a groan.

"Itadori !"

"Itadori ?!"

Both of you said with wide eyes, staring at his unbothered half asleep form.



"How are there only four first-years ? Isn't that too few ?"

You sat next to Yuji and shrugged as you licked your ice cream.

"I mean, seeing curses must be rare, right ? And even so- not everyone might want to be sorcerer..?"

Megumi nodded in agreement.

"Exactly like L/n said. Have you ever met anyone who could see curses before ?"

Yuji stopped just as he was about to bite the ice cream before answering.


"That just proves how small a minority jujutsu sorcerers are."

"Also did you said I was the third and L/n the fourth ?"

"Their entry was decided a while ago."

"I wonder what they're like.."

You pondered, looking up at the sky, questions filling your head.

"Sorry for the wait !"

Gojo raised his hand and waved at the three of you.

"Ohh !"

He walked closer, eyes lingering on your form a little too long for your liking before he smiled.

"I see your uniform made it in time."

"Yeah, it's a perfect fit."

You also smiled, raising a hand up.

"I like the gloves."

"Through, all of our uniforms are different, mine has a hood, and L/n has gloves and shorter sleeves."

"That's because the uniforms cak be customized upon requests."

"Huh ?"

"Eh ? But I didn't.."

"I never put in any requests."

"I was the one who put in the custom order."

Yuji blinked before looking down at his hood.

"Whatever, I guess ?"

"Be careful, Gojo-sensei has a tendency to do things like that. More importantly, why are we meeting up in Harajuku ?"

"Because it's what she asked for."

You perked up at the mention of a 'she' and mentally pumped your fist up.

'Another girl, yay !'

"Hey, popcorn ! I want some !"

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